Alyssa Milano Develops Into One of the Bigger Dopes in Hollywood – IOTW Report

Alyssa Milano Develops Into One of the Bigger Dopes in Hollywood

Not only is this tweet dumb-

It’s without a whiff of shame-

Bizpac Review:

“Actress Alyssa Milano is broke as a joke and didn’t pay her taxes. And like a true liberal, she says it’s all someone else’s fault.

Milano made the stunning revelations in a $10 million lawsuit she filed in Los Angeles against her former business manager, Kenneth Hellie and his firm Hellie, Hoffer & Co.


31 Comments on Alyssa Milano Develops Into One of the Bigger Dopes in Hollywood

  1. Anyone wishing to see more of Alyssa can check out the following link:

    (Warning: Contains nudity. NSFW.)

    Although I don’t agree with her politics, I must admit she has (or had) a couple of outstanding points. There’s even a picture of her wearing an Indian – excuse me, Native American – war bonnet. Someone should publicize that to the Liberal SJWs and watch their heads explode. Talk about cultural appropriation!


  2. Speaking of dumb twitter twits: Rosie O’Donnell offered $2 million each to two Republican senators to vote no on the tax bill.
    Clearly a federal felony, though being a lefty celebrity she’ll never be charged by Rip Van Sessions.

  3. I can’t help but laugh at the ignorance displayed by Alyssa. She’s made millions of dollars swimming in the Hollywood cesspool and yet at 44 years of age and she is broke. And what a surprise, its someone else’s fault. Alyssa should of at least overseen her own business and has no one to blame but herself. Now she wants to opine on the president. Why should we listen to someone who can’t even control her own life.

  4. Not simply ignorant, but a screaming hypocrite.

    Pay your taxes.
    Nurse the sick.
    Feed the hungry.
    Clothe the poor.

    Then – and only THEN – presume to preach to me.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I love the comment underneath the three photos posted of her: “Alyssa Milano has gotten more matronly and manly the more far-left her politics have become.” Ah ha ha HAAAAAAA!


    Any ill-gotten gains by the rich elite in Hollywood, can be re-directed to the poor.

    There is NO REASON to gripe about the tax bill, the solution is obvious.

  7. “So not feeding The Beast is supposed to turn me against her?”

    No one wants to feed the beast. But since she’s not doing it, yet complaining that others should pay through the nose, should turn you against her.

  8. Speaking of dumb twitter twits: Rosie O’Donnell offered $2 million each to two Republican senators to vote no on the tax bill.

    Like any Senator would flip his vote for that bit of chump change.

  9. Uneducated child stars think the ride will last forever, however life goes on long after the thrill, and looks, of youth is over, can they find no other way to make a living than by prostituting themselves or find a rich daddy?

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