Am I easily amused or is this hilarious? – IOTW Report

Am I easily amused or is this hilarious?

Transplanted Californians eating out in Texas for their first Tejas meal.

ht/ js


30 Comments on Am I easily amused or is this hilarious?

  1. Actually a true Texas waitress would never be that rude.

    She’d just say something like, “Well, y’all already have the only things on the menu that meets those requirements – coffee and water. I’ll be back in a minute with your check, okay?

    …Oh, and y’all be sure to come back now, y’hear?”




    My practice wife of many years in the past was a vegetarian as were most of her friends. I am all too familiar with the worst of these people, although there were a few reasonable ones with a sense of humor. One guy who was in sales had to take clients out to dinner and usually asked them where they’d like to go and so was confronted with poor choices fairly frequently. His solution was to eat as low on the evolutionary chain as he could under the circumstances. As he pointed out, “I just think of a scallop as sort of a fast radish.”

  3. Other possible answers the waitress could use (and they all could start with “Well bless yore hearts!”)…

    – “Your heads examined!”
    – “Prefrontal lobotomies, it that isn’t redundant!”
    – “You’ll probably get kwashiorkor, but I don’t recommend it.”

  4. I understand some people have food allergies and sensitivities. I have some myself.
    I can’t stand those who do it as a life choice and then get that holier-than-thou attitude when dining with meat eaters.

  5. @Tony R – I feel for you, bro. I am sooooo glad I’m not in Calif. any longer. It was a Californian who told me not to undercook his hamburger. He wanted it gray because he didn’t eat red meat. I am not making this up. It was at the same get-together that one of my guests threw out a nice piece of Camembert because she said it smelled like it had “gone bad.”

  6. Lazlo had the (mis)fortune to live in Sedona AZ for quite some time.
    Sedona is a low spot where the loose nuts from California fetch up against the rocks.
    I have heard someone order ‘gluten free eggs’, seen an ad for a ‘Symposium on Breathing’ (only $50.), been accosted by women in full Elf attire about the evils of the Chimpy-McBush-Haliburton-Industrial-Military-War-Complex, been asked by someone if they could do their laundry at my house from now on because their laundry room was (according to Feng Shui) in the ‘money corner’ of their house and the wash cycle was causing chaos in their financial ‘chi’
    How do these people manage to clothe themselves?

  7. Geoff & refugee, actually soy is good for menopausal women. It is kind of a natural estrogen and/or helps w/estrogen production. I drink soymilk and eat the occasional tofu (it really helps me w/hotflashes), but I keep it all the way in the back of the fridge, because I don’t want hubby and family members to drink it. No problem w/tofu, they can’t stand it.

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