Am I ruining her life or helping her by posting this? – IOTW Report

Am I ruining her life or helping her by posting this?

ht/ irony curtain

52 Comments on Am I ruining her life or helping her by posting this?

  1. She needs psychological counseling. She’s causing her own misery by making a public spectacle of herself on instagram to pay bills, when she could get a job?

    So now wants equal rights to be a public figure but without the scrutiny?

    If she can endure prostitution, she can endure working at starbucks (the home of the otherwise unemployable liberal arts graduate).

    Get a therapist, girl.

  2. But she can’t learn to code if she doesn’t stop crying. I grew-up with five sisters and my Mom would have spanked any one of us for acting like that. “Stop it, or I’ll give something real to cry about.”

  3. “I am nothing without my instagram following. I am NOTHING without my instagram following.”

    When the time comes, this twit will be clawing, scratching and elbowing her way to the front of the “Mark of the Beast” line.

  4. I’m dumber than @petrus and this bint. I lasted 60 seconds (@petris went 30) while puzzled by what on earth i was watching.
    My head tilted like a cocker spaniel hearing a balloon squeaking when air is expelled in the squeaky chirpy way.
    I can barely understand young people who supposedly speak English.

    I am reminded of that line from the movie “The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai” when one of the characters utters to a wookie looking creature, “it ain’t my planet, monkey boy”

  5. If she was smart she would do this over a basin, then bottle and sell the result as Liberal Tears™. Maybe team up with Mark Dice, who has the matching drinking mugs for it.

  6. Best close I have ever heard- starts at 3:07 “I have no job qualifications; I could never work a normal job; I am worthless; I bring nothing to the table, ZERO; I always get into fights with people and get kicked out of places like I’m not work material; I will never be work material; the last thing I want is to be a homeless street prostitute doing meth!” If she had just added “I was born in Kenya” I would swear she had just channeled Obama’s stream of consciousness.

  7. A quick look at a couple of other videos of her on YouTube will reveal she really, seriously does need mental help. My favorite unintentionally hilarious line: “I bring nothing to the table!!!”

  8. I worked in the computer industry for 30 plus years. I carried a pager, a cellphone and a blackberry. When I retired, I’d had enough of the technology leash that had been hooked to my soul 24.7. I feel like a freed slave, and I’m never voluntarily going back…

  9. This is what social media does to people. It turns then into absolutely useless bags of meat with the IQ of a mushroom and the emotional development of a go-along 13 yr old girl.
    The more I see of this kind of sh_t, the more I’m convinced that this nation is doomed no matter who is the president.

  10. Her life is ruined because she is not on Instagram? She is worthless without making money by being a social media star? Maybe if she didn’t do things that would get her tons of people reporting her she would not have been reported. If she made the argument that she was being targeted because of her political views then she might have a point. But all I heard was “l am a lazy bitch who was making money for doing nothing.”

  11. Haranguing people who don’t care about you isn’t going to work, honey. Just go out there and learn a skill that adds value to a business even when the internet is down. Whining and pleading for people to be nice to you just makes them want to spit at you.

  12. From Free Man now: “I worked in the computer industry for 30 plus years. I carried a pager, a cellphone and a blackberry. When I retired, I’d had enough of the technology leash that had been hooked to my soul 24.7. I feel like a freed slave, and I’m never voluntarily going back…”

    Hello brother. I have a cell phone subsidized by my employer. It’s on 24/7. In about 2.5 years I’ll retire. That phone is going in the river. I’ll probably play online like I do here (on my terms), but if you need to contact me, mail me a letter on paper or knock on the door.

    It’ll be a glorious day!

  13. “I used to be a F’n loser!”

    Well, honey, YOU STILL ARE!

    We all have to deal with life. It’s too bad your parent(s) didn’t teach you anything.

    Edit: Crap, now I feel bad for saying that. I’ll pray that God keeps trying to knock some sense into you. How’s that?

  14. I see feeble people in their 80’s having to work and I feel so sad for them. My Sister went into a building the other day where the elevator man was 94. She gave him a hug and told him he was doing a great job and he cried. I couldn’t even squeeze out a single tear for this pathetic girl.

  15. Perfect example of arrested development. She’s a twenty something throwing a tantrum only a ten year old could appreciate.
    She needs therapy, a real job and banned from whoring on social media. Looks like that last step is already in effect.

    Viewers were put off by her craziness. If she wasn’t so immature, narcissist and lazy, she would have consider being kicked of social media a great opportunity. A chance to discover how to really contribute to society and not a bratty crybaby.


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