Am I the Only One That Would Be Scared To Use This Product? – IOTW Report

Am I the Only One That Would Be Scared To Use This Product?

Israeli doctors have developed a procedure that corrects bad vision by using eyedrops that are infused with nanoparticles that fill in the cornea to its proper curvature.

It works on pigs. Now it will go to trial with humans.

Let me first digress by saying I never heard of any promising breakthroughs developed by Palestinians. Nothing at all, which is a very valid reason for supporting Israel over them. On paper it is a crap move for humanity. Israelis have won a disproportionate amount of Nobel prizes compared to their population. You honor something like that, you don’t try to kill them over where the line in the desert is.

Back to the eyedrops.

When it comes to putting stuff in my eyes, I dunno. Every time I need soothing relief from an 18 hour session on (shameless plug), for cripes sake, I imagine some d-bag, illiterate, 85 IQ employee dumping too much acid into the mixture, and now I’m hovering it above my eye, waiting for that fateful drop.

“I’m putting a lot of faith in Visine, here, people! These are my EYES!”

So, these drops will have to be on the market with no incident for a decade before I would use them.

I would fully expect that after using Orbifix (I made that up)  for a year the news would report that people’s eyes are turning mushy. (They’d have a scientific term for mushy, though. I’d have to look it up after I learned braille.)



35 Comments on Am I the Only One That Would Be Scared To Use This Product?

  1. What? The pigs couldn’t read the road sign a half mile out or what? I don’t think I’ll ever put that in my eyes….. and my vision is rapidly diminishing…

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I had Lasik done about 20 years ago, that was a huge leap for me as far as having work done on my eyes, not sure I’d go for those drops right away either. Maybe in 5 years…

  3. On a serious note. I never qualified for any of the latest greatest laser surgeries and was afraid of them as well, but at this point in my crappy sight problems I’m game, just give me a couple of months to whittle some long white canes and get a dog trained…..My current dog would make me bump into shit and fall down a lot…

  4. Personally, eyesight would be the greatest loss of the 5 senses, and I would wait several years of proven safety before undergoing any elective procedure.

    With that said, I was legally blind 600/450. After my teenage years of wearing scratchy hard contacts, and later soft lenses, the expense of lenses/solutions, and overall hassle, I elected to have PRK on one eye in 1990. Figured if anything went wrong, I’d still have vision in the other eye. So I was far-sighted in one eye, near-sighted in the other, and continued to wear one contact, until Lasik in 2002.
    PRK resulted in far superior results v Lasik. Now I wear readers as needed, but at least I can get out of bed without pinballing my way to the bathroom.

    I trust the Israeli’s. They’re phenomenal in technology and medical development. Anyone who can turn a barren, arid desert into a lush oasis is gifted.

  5. Moma told me never put anything in your ears- Qtips or bobbypin to clean the wax out.So why would i put something in my eyes? I wear glasses but im good with that.anyway i walk by faith and not by sight.😎🙂

  6. @ aleon,
    I don’t think the pigs would appreciate that.

    Oh! and to answer the initial question….. When pigs fly!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. My one medical phobia is dealing with eyes–my own or anyone else’s. When I was a student nurse, the closest I came to passing out was walking into an OR where they were working on an eye. I would rather have a root canal than go to the eye doctor. This story is slightly freaking me out! I hope this works though.

  8. This reminds me about the part in the Bible where it says there will come a time when people will try to kill themselves, but they won’t be able to. I thought of this some years ago when I first read about in the future nano bots being injected into the body to heal stuff – that would race to the scene of whatever bad was going on in your body and heal it. Sooo – here we go. Another Biblical prediction coming true.

  9. I think dropping liquid into my eyes is a lot less scary than the thought of someone operating on them, whether with a laser or a scalpel. My dad had surgery on both eyes recently, while in his 80s, and had major problems until he had further surgery which thankfully worked out ok. Scary!
    I wouldn’t volunteer to be a guinea pig though.

  10. This made me think of THE MINORITY REPORT. The operation, under the conditions, was horrifying, but when those damn spyderbots forced opened his eyes; well, I still cringe.

  11. This is why Rhode Island is developing the Fap Tax….

    55% of the population is going blind due to excessive Internet

    Porn…This is step in the right direction

    Can’t do a thing about the Palm hair though…You’re on Your

    own Pal.

  12. Pay terminally ill volunteers with bad eyesight to test this. People with, say, six months to a year left, or however long it would take to know the likelihood of success and of unexpected side-effects. If something goes bad wrong, well, they got paid and won’t have to live with it much longer.

  13. Sounds promising, but I don’t know. I can’t even put in eyedrops. Some kind of instinctive reaction. When mom went in to get cataract surgery and she told me she would be awake for the procedure, I mentally crossed that one off my list, until it’s a must.

  14. Over the last couple of years I noticed that I was having trouble reading the small print on receipts and various labels, so I went to the dollar store and bought a few pair of +1.0 reading glasses. After a while, even the glasses lost some of their effectiveness.

    I did some research on a couple of nutrients to improve vision and now I rarely need the reading glasses at all. The nutrients were lutein (40 mg) and bilberry extract (1,000 mg). I took both supplements every day for about 90 days and then went to every other day as “maintenance”.

    I don’t know if it would help everyone, but I’m certain that it helped me. I used Puritan’s Pride brand (online) because I caught a really good sale on it (they were cheaper than most places without the sale) and trust their quality, but I would guess other reputable brands would work just as well.

    BFH – I’m like you in that I wouldn’t risk putting anything like that in my eyes until it had established a long, successful track record, and might not try it even with a long history of success. Sounds like whatever changes it makes might be permanent or could cause permanent damage if it wasn’t formulated correctly or just based on the difference between people’s eyes.

  15. Don’t sweat it guys I’ve had it done and no longer need glasses. I’m jumping with joy I can see again unaided by glasses. The only side effect I’ve noticed is a constant yen for a bucket of slop.

  16. But I like my bad eyesight. I wear glasses or contacts when I drive or have to be out and about in the world. At home in my world, or out in a small social circle, I go without corrective lenses and all is soft and beautiful, like an impressionist painting. Why would I give that up?
    But back to the actual question: No, even if I wanted perfect vision I would not drop nanoparticles in my eyeballs or watch a surgeon come at them with a knife. Yikes!

  17. sometimes you don’t have a choice …. my son woke up one day & found about 1/5th of his vision in one eye was gone … just a sliver of black in the lower corner, instead of vision. he went to work, woke up the next day & it was still there. his wife insisted he go to the eye doctor …. to make a long story short (too late!) he ended up in eye surgery that day with dr’s sticking needles in his eye to inject gas bubbles behind his retina to keep it from fully detaching … he went through 2 more surgeries & after 4 months, got his sight back … he still has some depth perception problems.
    doc said if he waited one more day, he would have lost vision in that eye
    he said it was the scariest thing he ever faced … & he was a US Army Ranger

  18. I miss having eagle eyes. Had 20/10 in my right and 20/15 in my left. Now I am amazed that I can sometimes read a 3 a.m. text without glasses if I squint just right.

    But even as limited as I am now, you would have to show me a lot of everything good for me to risk anything. What I have will do even though I would love to have that level of vision back.

    Something always breaks down or goes wrong with machinery. Why would them being nano-sized be any different?

    Add in that so much of medicine is a best guess then change direction if it’s wrong. Sometimes there are consequences, up to and including death.

    I know a woman with a grayish complexion.

    She took a medicine with silver in it as a child. Changed her forever.

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