Amazon Bails Out of Downtown Seattle Due to Violent Crime Surge, Dodges Consequence of Woke Policies – IOTW Report

Amazon Bails Out of Downtown Seattle Due to Violent Crime Surge, Dodges Consequence of Woke Policies

Daily Signal –

Amazon is getting out of Dodge. Well, more accurately, Seattle.

The massive, mostly online retailer announced recently that it’s relocating 1,800 employees out of a downtown Seattle location due to a huge uptick in violent crime.

“Given recent incidents near 3rd (Ave) and Pine (St), we’re providing employees currently at that location with alternative office space elsewhere,” an Amazon spokesman said, according to the New York Post. “We are hopeful that conditions will improve and that we will be able to bring employees back to this location when it is safe to do so.”

The Post noted that violent crime has rocked the city. In just the first week of March around the Amazon offices, a 15-year-old boy was shot and killed, a homeless man was stabbed, and police had to shoot and kill a man who rammed into a federal building and fired a rifle. read more

6 Comments on Amazon Bails Out of Downtown Seattle Due to Violent Crime Surge, Dodges Consequence of Woke Policies

  1. Amazon should be forced to keep their office and employees in the downtown Seattle area. They are partly to blame for creating the problem (supporting Socialist policies), they should have to live with those decisions instead of escaping the consequences of their actions. Amazon is like any other DildoCrat parasite, poison their environment, then escape to pollute a fresh environment.

  2. Under this obscene, Socialist, Woke, fecal discharge of an administration, NOTHING will improve. This includes Federal and State government in Seattle and many other crime infested Liberal Cities.

  3. “We are hopeful that conditions will improve and that we will be able to bring employees back to this location when it is safe to do so.”

    So, in other words; Adios! See you in the funny papers? AKA Never more?

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