Amazon best-seller ‘Reasons to Vote for Democrats’ book is just empty pages – IOTW Report

Amazon best-seller ‘Reasons to Vote for Democrats’ book is just empty pages

FOX: To quote an excerpt from author Michael J. Knowles’ new book, the main reason to vote for a Democrat is “          .”

The above is not a typo.

Knowles’ tome, “Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide,” is 266 pages of absolutely nothing. Clean, blank, snow-white pages. And as of Thursday morning, it occupied the No. 4 slot on’s “Best Sellers” list.

“What’s really great about this book, you can go cover-to-cover in about 15, 20 seconds,” Knowles’ told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday.


h/t Groucho Marxist

17 Comments on Amazon best-seller ‘Reasons to Vote for Democrats’ book is just empty pages

  1. Back in the old days there was one named “The Wit and Wisdom of Spiro Agnew” which contained the same information.

    (however unfair that may have been to Vice President Agnew)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. On a related note, the democrat who is running to replace Rep. Tom Price has an ad out which touts his endorsement by John Lewis and Hank Johnson. Probably hired the same consultants who told Hillary that Georgia was winnable.

  3. There was an old Mad magazine poster back in the late 60’s which showed Spiro Agnew’s head on the body of a spirochete (one of those little microbial critters with a long whip like tail) that said, We’re being infected by a Spirochete. I know because I plastered that poster (and others) on the back and side windows of my 55 Chevy station wagon when I was in a Junior in HS about 1970. If I did that nowadays I would probably get my ass kicked or worse, no one has a sense of humor or tolerance anymore. And if I had posted my Mad flag it would’ve been worse, I still have that politically incorrect poster by the way.

  4. The Mad flag was in Mad Special # 5 from 1971 (our price $.60 cheap), it read: I will pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands when it is one nation under God with liberty and justice for all including kikes, wops, spics, niggers (hey it was 1971), wasps etc. That kind of poster would piss off a lot of offended snowflakes and other intolerant progtards if it was even allowed to be published now.

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