Amazon ends COVID pay – IOTW Report

Amazon ends COVID pay

CNBC: Amazon is cutting paid time off for front-line U.S. workers who test positive for Covid-19, effective Monday.

All U.S.-based Amazon workers who test positive for Covid-19 will now get up to five days of excused, unpaid leave, the company told workers in a notice sent Saturday. A spokesperson told CNBC workers are still able to use their sick time off if needed.

In Saturday’s notice, Amazon added that workers waiting for Covid test results will no longer have time off excused since rapid tests are now widely available.

The e-commerce giant has slowly pulled back its Covid policies as vaccines have become more widely available and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its guidance. The company initially offered up to two weeks of paid time off for any employees diagnosed with Covid-19 or placed into quarantine. In January, the company reduced paid leave time to one week, or up to 40 hours. more

4 Comments on Amazon ends COVID pay

  1. Their last quarter was less than expected and the future guidance was not that great from what I heard Friday.

    Add into that equation, rising fuel prices, increased Electricity, labour & most likely property tax increases and they are starting to feel a squeeze.

    Plus, higher gasoline prices = less money for shit & trinkets if they actually have solid supply lines.

  2. Fact is that AMAZON, which is controlled and operated by the Chinese Communists, has lost multitudes of shoppers who have recognized that buying poor-quality garbage merch and poisoned human and pet food from the site’s Chinese Communists is not worth it. In my area AMAZON delivery trucks are virtually not present any longer.

  3. Amazon workers who test positive for Covid-19 will now get up to five days of excused, unpaid leave

    Or I can just snot, on the clock, on Karens’ packages.

    Oh… decisions… decisions…

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