The Red Menace blames Trump for Biden’s Ministry of Truth – IOTW Report

The Red Menace blames Trump for Biden’s Ministry of Truth


Robert Spencer

Here’s Your Disinformation: Now Psaki Is Claiming That TRUMP Started Biden’s Thought Police Board

Is this some of that disinformation the Biden administration is talking about? Jen Psaki on Friday twice claimed that the Biden administration’s Orwellian and ominous new Disinformation Governance Board isn’t really new at all, and in fact, was started not by Old Joe or his DHS hatchet man, Alejandro Mayorkas, but by one Donald J. Trump. Psaki delivered this whopper with a clear tone of What are all you racist, redneck, MAGA-hat wearing yahoos getting all upset about? This was all your guy’s idea. She offered no evidence, and there doesn’t seem to be any for her to have offered.

Psaki said this under question from Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich, who noted that both Mayorkas and Psaki had expressed some unfamiliarity with the bizarre fascist who will be heading up the Ministry of Truth, Nina Jankowicz. Heinrich asked Psaki, “How was she hired if you and the White House are not familiar with her and Mayorkas is not familiar with her statements? What’s the process for, um, putting her into a position like this, and who’s in charge of hiring her?” Indeed — although it’s clear that Jankowicz, who bills herself on her website as “an internationally-recognized expert on disinformation,” is an enthusiastic proponent of government censorship who has been preparing for this job for her entire professional life.

She then launched into a potted history of Jankowicz’s career: more

15 Comments on The Red Menace blames Trump for Biden’s Ministry of Truth

  1. “This is also work, um, that is helping to, uh, address unauthorized terrorism…”

    …meaning that there’s such a thing as AUTHORIZED terrorism, and she KNOWS it…

  2. Typical Lib. Their SOP, if they say it, it must be true. Meanwhile today’s winner for bumper sticker on the drive into work, “Even my dog hates Joe Biden”

  3. Well, this shows that the work of the Disinformation Governance Board should be easy: just have someone sit in Psaki’s press conferences and take down what she says. that should keep them busy for quite a while.

  4. If such an entity/policy existed in the Trump administration, it was a product of the deep state that was running amok while he fought off attacks from both parties, would have been known by another name, probably in a different agency, and was likely to have been relatively innocuous.

    On the other hand, Psaki could simply be referencing Trump’s frequent use of the term “fake news”.

  5. NBC is so lucky to obtain the services of this charming young hag.
    They should use her to play herself on SNL. They could do skits featuring Peppermint Patty and Raggedy Ann too. She’s quite versatile.

  6. Disinformation Governance Board

    Yeah. Sure. Making sure only “approved” disinformation is spread.

    I used to think Homeland Security was a good idea; couldn’t understand the complaints. Now, with our collective heads in the moose, it is painfully obvious the whole federal alphabet needs to be scrapped.

  7. The hair-dyed Howdy-Doody lookalike can lie all she wants but the fact remains that the majority of Americans know that Joe the Ukraine Bum Biden, Race Supremacist, Human Trafficker, and Child Molester is an evil fraud and comically inept.

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