Amazon Hires Thousands of Somali Muslims — They Even Pick Them Up and Drive Them Home – IOTW Report

Amazon Hires Thousands of Somali Muslims — They Even Pick Them Up and Drive Them Home

Nice work if you can get it.


36 Comments on Amazon Hires Thousands of Somali Muslims — They Even Pick Them Up and Drive Them Home

  1. Jeff Bezos and his atitude and opinions represent a clear and dangerous threat to America today. His business practices need to be reviewed with a view to splitting his companies up into much smaller enties. Microsoft, Alphabet Inc, Yahoo, Apple and all the other Tech Mandarins need to have close government review with Trump appointed investigators.

  2. On all my job applications thru out my life it asked>do you have reliable transpotstion? Damn i could have saved thousands on a car if only i was a black muzzie.and they say I have white privlige… screw em…..

  3. Count this Amazon location sharia. A shipping schedule based on stopping to pray to a demon god five times a day. Of course, nothing says 7th century barbarian takeover like unsanitary, spoiled, unregulated halal food sent to dhimmi infidels.

  4. @scr_north October 22, 2017 at 3:39 pm

    eff Bezos and his atitude and opinions represent a clear and dangerous threat to America today. His business practices need to be reviewed

    The problem is that Bezos’ business practices represent an existential threat to American business. In the best possible way.

    Unfortunately Bezos is the kind of great warlord who cant’ sit down and “merely” bask in the public adulation, should he extirpate Americans’ enemies.

  5. “She asked not to be identified. “We were still pretty fearful our home would be broken into, and we didn’t sleep there for a few days,” she said. ”

    Rickn8or, wth??? Why didn’t they call the cops or the state police? Have mercy people are dumb.

  6. And they want me to voluntarily put a listening device in my home so I can just shout out “need trash bags”.
    And Walmart wants a key to my house so they can deliver my groceries when I’m not home.

    As if.

  7. These “do-gooder” church groups and social organizations lobby to get these somalians into our country and then after 6 months or so the charity money runs out and the aliens are supposed to get jobs, mainly go on welfare etc. Some of em pimp girls to the oil workers in North Dakota…

  8. Somali Muslims are among the most viciously anti-Semitic people now being imported into the West. Their importation is a direct threat to lives and safety of every Jewish person in thee US, Canada and Europe.

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