Amazon Prime Same-Day Shipping Program Called ‘Racist’ – IOTW Report

Amazon Prime Same-Day Shipping Program Called ‘Racist’

TheLid: Forget peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Now, we’re supposed to believe there may be a racial component to Amazon’s new same-day shipping service for Prime members in certain areas of the country.

amazon prime

The Christian Science Monitor reported:

For many black consumers and especially those who have experienced discrimination in retail shops, Amazon presents a good option for shopping without being followed around or singled out.  more

15 Comments on Amazon Prime Same-Day Shipping Program Called ‘Racist’

  1. Where I love just added 1 hour delivery for $7.95 or two hour delivery for free. If you’re a Prime member.
    I wonder how many inner city denizens are prime members. I wonder how long it will be before the govt pays for their prime membership to even things up and make it “fair”.

  2. RED Line a circle around the warehouses and you have created instant discrimination, those you can reach and those you cannot in 1 day, Would only be fair to make everyone wait 3 or 4 days as there are places on the Ozarks 2 day does not work.

  3. More BULLSHIT created by the Barky admin to stir up normally contented people…this is getting old…the closer that Abo in the WH gets to Nov, the more dispicable and deranged he is…

  4. The Free Market is not, cannot be and will not be, racist. It is one of the few things on earth that is truly benign if unencumbered by government bureaucrats.

  5. Uh oh, sounds as if there’s another reparations charge on the way, like the “Universal Connectivity Fee” on your cell phone bill, which helps make Obamaphones available to the poor.

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