Amazon pulls DIY circumcision ‘training’ kit – IOTW Report

Amazon pulls DIY circumcision ‘training’ kit

METRO UK: A circumcision training kit feared to encourage potentially deadly DIY surgery has been removed from Amazon.

The kit includes a model of a young boy’s genitals, with a dark or light-skinned dummy available, to perform a mock circumcision with a selection of scalpels.

Amazon’s circumcision kit, which was listed with a price of between £365 and £456, was listed by ESP, a third-party seller.

The online retail giant removed the item after the National Secular Society (NSS) wrote to UK manager Douglas Gurr claiming it could encourage people with no medical qualifications to carry out potential life-threatenings procedures at home.

Dr Antony Lempert, chairman of the NSS’s secular medical forum, said: ‘We fear that the sale of this product may encourage unqualified practitioners to carry out unnecessary surgery on infants in non-clinical conditions, resulting in serious harm.’  read more


22 Comments on Amazon pulls DIY circumcision ‘training’ kit

  1. Reminds me of the old joke that Republicans loved to tell about me in 1944…

    Q: “Why is Franklin Roosevelt like a circumcised penis?”
    A: “There’s no end to that prick.”

    Not funny. But true. 👿

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