Amazon to Begin Accepting Food Stamps – IOTW Report

Amazon to Begin Accepting Food Stamps


Internet-based retail giant Amazon is among the seven online food retailers that will soon start accepting food stamps, as part of a pilot program instituted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The two-year program, set to launch this summer, will test online ordering and payment methods.

The USDA, which oversees the $74 billion food stamp program, also known as SNAP or the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, says it plans to expand the online program nationwide and eventually add more retailers.

Participating retailers include Safeway, ShopRite, Hy-Vee, Hart’s Local Grocers, and Dash’s Market, and will serve  food stamps recipients in seven states: Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, Iowa, and Oregon.

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13 Comments on Amazon to Begin Accepting Food Stamps

  1. Let Amazon do whatever it wants.
    Stop the EBT “credit card” economy
    by replacing it with Welfare Ration Books
    that have to be marked by cashiers.
    Publicize shame.

  2. Czar, I could not agree more.

    My father lit out when my mother had to have brain surgery due to an stroke, and during her recovery: learning to walk, talk, ect until she could get a job, we had to rely on family and OLD STYLE stamps.

    I had to watch her humiliation as she picked them up while others had the ‘meh’ attitude. Then the humiliation from the cashiers in the grocery line, as they assumed she was a shitbag…It was one helluva lesson. Both to the need to have it in the short term, and the ones who couldn’t feel shame if you hit them with a stick. The problem is: The ones who need shame don’t care, and the ones who do not are the ones who feel it.

  3. Brooke Tarvin–I am sorry that you, your Mom, and your family had to endure such pain (stroke, surgery, rehab, and shame through no fault of your own). Of course, we all know that THIS is what food stamps and other help is for but I certainly understand your point.

  4. Deport millions of freeloading Illegal Aliens, and suddenly the whole US welfare-social services economics changes for the better.

    We don’t do enough for the “honest poor” (elderly retirees trying to survive on $1000/mo SocSecurity) and the genuinely disabled (like Brooke Ty’s mother, and other people I’ve known).

    I’m all for a genuine social safety net, and a more generous one than we have now, but only for the deserving it was intended for.
    No multigenerational welfare queens. No more paying teenagers to become baby factories as an alternative to working. And NO ILLEGALS.
    More money for our American elderly, Vets, and the seriously ill, for starters. Hell yeah.

    Illegal welfare cheats can break rocks building The Wall until they work off their sentences for cheating Americans.

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