Amazon under fire for warning employees not to protest against them – IOTW Report

Amazon under fire for warning employees not to protest against them

The left is a shitshow.

Look at this spin from Mashable –

It sure looks like Amazon is retaliating against employee activists now.

How dare Amazon “retaliate” against employees who are working from within to take Amazon down because of “climate change,” a mythic monster.

In 2019, hundreds of Amazon employees signed a letter demanding Amazon take action to halt its contributions to climate change. That included ending its contracts with the oil and gas industry, to which it sells cloud infrastructure and AI that employees say will hasten the extraction of fossil fuels. On September 20, Amazon workers joined other big tech employees in a historic walkout for climate action.

As part of those efforts, some Amazon employees were vocal on social media and in the press. Two employee activists and members of the coalition, Maren Costa and Jamie Kowalski, spoke with the Post about the movement. They then received letters from HR warning that failing to gain official approval could result in disciplinary action, including termination.

Do you think, for one second, media sites like Mashable would characterize companies warning employees not to rally against their transgender locker room policy as “retaliation”?

No, it would be, “Amazon warns intolerant loon employees about their bigotry.” And then Amazon would be cheered if they fired them.

13 Comments on Amazon under fire for warning employees not to protest against them

  1. “a historic walkout”

    You walk out of my office during the workday without a valid reason and you’ll be re-entering for the sole purpose of packing your shit in a box. I’ve fired people for less.

  2. I kinda doubt it’s the warehouse workers or drivers signing petitions or planning protests. It’s the pampered Seattlelites in Amazon’s different high tech divisions who earn at least 100k and have every corporate perk imaginable-and still aren’t happy. Well, the desire to live and work in Seattle is nuts right now and these self important whiners can be easily replaced. H1B workers are happy for the jobs they can get in America…🤷‍♀️

  3. Lazlo’s Old Man, Lazlo the Eldest Elder told me one time:
    “If you are in the pay of some man, do not damn him. Not even in private. Think what you will, but keep your mouth shut. When you go your separate ways, curse him like he stole your wallet if you want to. But not one second before”

  4. Lazlo (the Younger of the Eldest Elder) — I always commended Bob Cratchet for raising his glass to Mr. Scrooge for that reason. As harsh an employer as he was, he was the “founder of the feast.” He said it, I’m sure, for the sake all the assorted young Cratchet’s learning.

    The way in which I’ve learned to deal with less than wonderful clients is to always remember that it is for God, from whom all my talents spring, that I work. It takes all other relationships completely out of the picture.

  5. Mixed feelings about this. I support the right of every employer to shitcan any employee who seeks to harm the company but on the other hand Jeff Bezos is the douche that bought the Washington Post a few years back and that paper has gone even more radical left then I thought was possible so any humiliation he suffers is welcome.

  6. Thats easy , reduce their carbon foot print by shutting off central heating at their warehouses. That will definitely reduce global warning and carbon emissions . Then sit back and listen to the demands for heating ,” to hell with climate change ,give us heat “

  7. A job is a contract between you and the employer – you agree to do specific work and he agrees to pay you X$ in exchange. If either of you violates that contract, it’s null and void. Walking out without arranging to use accrued vacation is taking pay without doing the work you agreed to exchange for it. You just broke the contract.

    You’re not laid off, you’re not retiring, you’re fired for cause. Take that to the next job you apply for and see how that works out for you.

  8. Absolutely ZERO sympathy for Bezos/Amazon
    Bezos& Gates, Koch, Buffett(yes, Buffett)) are Socialists —- with YOUR life and YOUR money …. THEIR’S is THEIR’S.
    Bezos LOVES tax breaks and Postal subsidies and UNDERPAYING you workers.
    Contrary to the propaganda pushed by the business press, between 67% and 72% percent of corporations had zero tax liabilities after credits and exemptions … while their workers and employees paid between 25 – 30% in taxes. The rate for the minority of corporations, which paid any tax, was 14%.
    According to the US Internal Revenue Service, billionaire tax evasion amounts to $458 billion dollars in lost public revenues every year – almost a trillion dollars every two years by this conservative estimate.
    The largest US corporations sheltered over $2.5 trillion dollars in overseas tax havens where they paid no taxes or single digit tax rates.
    Meanwhile US corporations in crisis received over $14.4 trillion dollars (Bloomberg claimed 12.8 trillion) in public bailout money, split between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, mostly from US tax payers, who are overwhelmingly workers, employees and pensioners.
    When THEY interfere with Your Right to Freedom of Association, Speech, Privacy, They relinquish Their Property Rights.
    The Billionaires think they have a right to use their wealth to interfere in Our lives with their “social engineering programs”
    We have the SAME right to interfere in their wealth.
    “Funny” how these BILLIONAIRE Leftwingers believe in Socialism and Sharing (YOUR) property……….
    but Their’s is THEIR’S ….. no WAY are they gonna share. Look how jealously they squeeze every PENNY of revenue with patents and lawyers, while preaching sharing and “inclusiveness”.
    These SCUMionaires do not GIVE to charity. They establish tax free “trusts & foundations” where THEY control the money and get paid to do so and you actually subsidize them because you pay higher taxes to replace what they avoid. “The more money communists accumulate, the more they preach morality to others”
    Socialism is a con-game to get the workers to think they should work for free.

  9. Fuck amazon in the ass. Bezos and everything he stands for should be burned to the ground.
    Climate change starts by having good relations with other people. And yes climates will change but only naturally as the earth decides. Like where there is a desert once stood forests.

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