Ambassador Grenell Slams Journalists in Heated Presser – IOTW Report

Ambassador Grenell Slams Journalists in Heated Presser

ht/ c. steven tucker

30 Comments on Ambassador Grenell Slams Journalists in Heated Presser

  1. Lordy kids, grow spines and lose the masks. You all sound like Charlie Brown’s teachers. And speaking of Peanuts, that allergy really messed with your minds in school, didn’t it? Sorry you had to deal with that panic, and I hope you all get over it one day.

  2. The media is not telling what antifa is doing.
    And silence is complicity.


    The stage is set for what’s coming. The dems have revealed their strategy.

    Their people are going to vote by mail, so election night will have Trump ahead for sure. Then, they plan to count mail in votes until they have won. Period.

    The odds of a civil war in the next six months have gone waaaay up.

  3. He says all the right things but he’s somewhere between effeminate and flamboyant.

    I don’t think that will sell. Put him and keep him in a high appointed position where he can be a “flame” thrower at the libtards.

  4. @preston brooks,

    Bring it on already!

    It is WAY past time to go hunting for PantyFa trophies to nail to a wall and just to sweeten the pot there are plenty of anti-americans, illegal aliens, and foreign nationals to keep anyone busy that has a large ammo supply and a lot of time on their hands.

  5. Today’s kids don’t remember anything that isn’t on their phones browser history.

    2 significant peace deals in the last 2 months and they can’t find the continents these countries are in, never mind the significance of the normalizing of relations.

  6. Today’s journalists don’t know that Abraham Lincoln was the president who led the party who ended slavery. They think MLK jr. was a Democrat. They believe Cuba was run by a “Freedom Fighter.”

    “Can I download Serbia and Kosovo at Google Play?”

  7. When you show balls to these pieces of shit, they fold.

    Think back to mccain, boehner, flake, corker – and think forward to romney.

    The GOP is a dead party without Donald Trump. Let’s not bring it back to life after Trump’s time.

  8. @TRF — 😉

    You’re right! Vinyl is hipper than digital now. We knew it would make a comeback.

    Ben and Jerry could make a flavor called Serbia Sorbet or Kosovo Kupcake and those journalist idiots would have no clue. Neither would Ben or Jerry, for that matter.

  9. They didn’t come there for a lecture, but notice no one asked a non Serbia/Kosovo question after that.

    I wish Grenell had asked in reply: “Then what did you come here for?”

  10. JOURNALISM: the college major for those who thought teaching grade school English would be, “too HARD.” 🙄

    I hope he also pointed out, that the Serbia-Kosovo PROBLEM, was a failure of the KLIN – TON I insurrection (the kiddie journalists in the room WOULD be too young to remember THAT)! 😳


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