America Does Not Have a Gun Problem – We Have a Thug Problem – IOTW Report

America Does Not Have a Gun Problem – We Have a Thug Problem

gunproblemRemove a certain demographic from the statistics and America has no more “gun problem.”

Does it make sense to remove all guns and keep the thugs? They’ll simply maraud the landscape with knives and clubs.

Or does it make more sense to keep the guns and remove the thugs?

The left likes the thugs. It’s their excuse to remove the guns, something they’d want to do whether there was a “gun violence crisis” or not because an armed citizenry stands in their way of becoming an unresisted band of totalitarian thugs themselves.


21 Comments on America Does Not Have a Gun Problem – We Have a Thug Problem

  1. I have always wondered why we are all so afraid to say. Blacks are the problem
    at this point in our history.

    With Muslims trying to overtake the mantel.

    When I was younger I remember the local news caster would say
    a black person did this.

    Now you can’t mention anyone’s race

    How the hell does that help?

  2. because we have allowed radical ‘wymyn’ to take over the education system & turned the males into pajama boys
    ….like the one we have currently occupying the White House
    ….only took a couple of generations

  3. I don’t think those statistical probabilities are worth the paper their written on. Wouldn’t geographical location be a major determining factor. The white little old lady in Salmon Idaho stands a lot less of a chance of getting shot then the white little old lady that lives in a bad hood in Chicago.

  4. it’s not gun violence!

    What it is,according to FBI stats, black men aged 13-55 violence problem.

    Address the real problem, solve the real problem. address the fake problem, keep having homicides by black males 13-55. And that doesn’t include the assaults, rapes, and other crimes committed by black men aged 13-55.

  5. America has a news media problem. They twist and lie and keep the truth from citizens. Each year the F.B.I publishes a crime report with an enormous amount of information about the who, what, when,where and how of crime in the US but I have never, ever heard it discussed in the news. It’s most likely too complicated for the talking heads.
    They keep searching for the “root causes” of crime but will never admit that the root causes of crime are:
    No family structure
    Poor schools
    Poor work ethic among inner city kids

    Now, that’s pure racism,right?

  6. How about we separate the gun deaths with the red/blue map and see how they correlate.

    I live I red state but the blue minority population counties have high rates of death by suicide and homicide.

    I think that would an interesting thing to look at as well.

  7. liberal spin:

    34.25 deaths per state, including your state.
    Your chances of crossing an area where a homicide took place: 88%
    Your chances of seeing a gang member packing: 90%

    Conclusion: liberal utopia metropolitian must be disarmed and need more money.

  8. How to civilize the black man? Personally, I think if he’ll take the gospel seriously, his fatherhood and dad-ness would be more prevalent. I can’t think of anything else in this world that would have that effect.

  9. I agree with the points made just fine, but whoever did the arithmetic in the graphic really screwed it up. Given the numbers from the CDC, all of the numbers in the “What does this all mean?” part are wrong except the US population.

  10. The problem is that the government creates felons from people who were law-abiding just the day before.

    The main sources of this felon factories is California, New York, and other East and Left coastal regions.

    Legally purchase an AR15 on Monday, and on Tuesday become a felon in possession of illegal contraband based solely on fiat decisions from fascists in three-piece suits.

  11. Something’s whack when your list maker doesn’t know “Legally justified” is a subset of “homicides” and implies an incorrect definition for homicide by it.

    What else is off because of that, is up for discovery.

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