America First Donald Trump is Upsetting America Last Leftists – IOTW Report

America First Donald Trump is Upsetting America Last Leftists

Donald Trump is exposing just how bad America has been infiltrated by American hating fecal weasels.

Media Runs Sob Stories About Mexicans Losing Jobs To Trump’s America

Why would I care one iota that some Mexican national lost his job because the American company he was working for decided to come back?
Listen, knobheads, America doesn’t owe a thing to the rest of the world. Quite the contrary. This is going to be our time now.
I’ve been scouring the media for stories written in Spanish by Mexican writers lamenting the loss of American jobs because American car manufacturers moved to Mexico. I can’t find any.
Funny that.

15 Comments on America First Donald Trump is Upsetting America Last Leftists

  1. Maybe Mexico needs some non-profit foundations and community gardens. I encourage all fecal weasels to move south of the border before they are trapped in a ghastly environment of full employment and rising standards of living.

  2. I said it before:
    Brace yourselves for the horror stories. Children starving, eating ketchup; body bags and body counts daily; homeless dying on Wall Street steam grates or freezing to death in subways. No negros allowed here. Separate water fountains, segregated Woolworths café counters; no whites allowed in the back of the bus; lynchings approved in up state New York, and so on.

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