America Has Gone MAGA – IOTW Report

America Has Gone MAGA

Red State

According to a new Rasmussen poll, a majority of likely voters say that they would be supportive of the impeachment of Biden, 52 to 42 percent, with 38 percent saying they would strongly support it; 77 percent of Republicans, 50 percent of independents, and 32 percent of Democrats are all for it. More

16 Comments on America Has Gone MAGA

  1. Trump MAGA, Trump MAGA, Trump MAGA, Donald Trump, Trump Trump Trump.

    (There haven’t been any shills for quite a few posts now, let’s see how good the Fed apps are)

    FJB, and anyone who thinks he’s anything but a fraud.

  2. I don’t understand the need to ‘peach a phony unelected resident in the first place. What I do support is a take back of our government from corrupt democrats that was stolen by an armed INSURRECTION.

  3. Listen up boys and Girls, someone on The Gateway posted that they had Gallows ready for some unspecified Congress Critter. Well the FBI tracked him down for threatening the life of a Government Official and arrested him. Just like the Gestapo from the last Nazi regime. Point is watch what you type.

  4. @Brad: You’re right about women liking bad boys. About 6 months ago, the female prison guard went on the lam with a bad boy prisoner. Of course they got caught, but she killed herself first. It was the only thing she could do, 1 less to deal with. It never ends well for the woman.

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