American Bridge – Group Designed To Blunt Trump Administration – IOTW Report

American Bridge – Group Designed To Blunt Trump Administration

Led by sociopath, David Brock-

Washington Examiner-

Brock said the group would coordinate with Democrats in Congress, progressive activists and others to supplement the party’s opposition to Trump. The goal is to make sure the Trump administration is “accountable, transparent and held in check,” the organization said.

American Bridge isn’t waiting for Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration, putting its new campaign into play immediately.


Time gives Trump the devil horns

Brock said the offensive would utilize new technology to gather and disseminate information, including through a “targeted campaign to reach Trump’s own supporters, via social media and paid advertising.”

Trump’s base within the Republican Party is uncommonly loyal. It’s unclear that an ad campaign funded by a liberal activist group would have much success at dampening the president-elect’s support, although Republicans who voted for him despite their misgivings might be moveable.


NeverTrump unbuttoning their pants, getting ready to jump in bed with Brock.

29 Comments on American Bridge – Group Designed To Blunt Trump Administration

  1. They should be investigated/charged with treasonous activities for plotting against the interests of the US if they take action to block things are being implemented for the welfare of the country, and not for the welfare of globalists. Also – de-fund the UN.

  2. Wow! Scary, except that no one who voted for Trump listens to you, or the networks anymore, no one believes, or gives a shit, what you say, think, want, or feel. Go ahead scary dude, whoever you are.

  3. Sounds like another brilliant plan. I recall Podesta’s hacked emails disclosed that Brock is a pretty much a loser with such terrible ideas they wondered if he was really on their side. I’m sure nothing has changed.

  4. Where has brock and these would-be cohorts been when Obama’s entire administration was based upon propaganda, lies, deceit deception, obstruction, lawlessness and absolutely no transparency.

    Oh yeah, obama and his lackeys were socialists/progressives and brock supported the destruction of the fabric of the US and its Constitution.

    Hypocrite much?

  5. From the Pedestal emails – Neera Tanden, the President of Center for American Progress, emailed John Podesta that “I hope Hillary truly understands now how batshit crazy David Brock is.”

  6. Hey, Brock. Move back to Rehoboth and take your bridge with you.
    Find a surfer dude for sunset walks on the beach together.
    You failed in your attempt to get Hillary elected.
    Now. give. it. up.

  7. David Brock of the pompadour hair style, of the Media Mattesr shill organization of George Soros. yeah….. tell you what queenie, whachagonna do when the Russians take out Soros and sons? What’s going to happen when your sugar daddy is gone, bitch? crawl back to your bathhouse and stay there, sucking your lollipops. You are indeed bat shit crazy.

  8. I guess he hasn’t heard the news, or more likely refuses to acknowledge the truth in favor of the alt-left party line.

    Earth to idiot, the democrats LOST! EVERYTHING! The republicans carry the House, Senate, and the Presidency, not to mention many state governments. The louder you whine, scream your vindictive, baseless, name calling rhetoric and kick your feet, the more sane people join the crowd, pointing fingers and laughing at you.

    We have tried to get on with life, but your self-pity parties are annoying and childish and make us even more joyous that YOU LOST!

  9. Shep Smith is pansying about too many Generals.
    Fake concern about “Civilian” Control.
    This is merely a smoke screen for ‘Power’ battle.
    Merely a ‘Racist Card’ variant. Counter in same manner.

    What would John Glenn say about this? Hmmm.

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