American cities are reverting to primitive, self-destructive behavior – IOTW Report

American cities are reverting to primitive, self-destructive behavior

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

American cities on the Democrats’ watch are drifting away from civilization.  The most obvious problem is the rise in crime — everything from murders to mass retail theft.  Just open any Chicago or New York newspaper to see what I mean.  But the decline in civilization happens in smaller ways, too, as a story out of San Francisco perfectly illustrates.

I grew up near San Francisco’s West Portal neighborhood.  My first elementary school, before busing took me out of one white, middle-class elementary school within walking distance of my home and sent me to another white, middle-class elementary school that was not, was West Portal Elementary.  According to my copy of San Francisco’s West Portal Neighborhoods, my school was built in 1926, at around the same time the entire neighborhood was developed.

The book’s back cover nicely describes the neighborhood I knew:

When you’re in West Portal and the adjacent Forest Hill and St. Francis Wood, it’s hard to believe you’re still in San Francisco. These quiet and picturesque neighborhoods are decidedly non-urban, yet they are connected by a streetcar tunnel that leads under Twin Peaks to the bustling downtown area, two miles through the city’s mountainous core. In fact, West Portal is named for the western end of this tunnel, which opened in 1917 to bring residents from the city center to what were new garden suburbs. Originally West Portal was sandy and scruffy, while Forest Hill and St. Francis Wood were heavily forested. The neighborhoods grew rapidly in the 1920s, and today West Portal is a popular shopping and entertainment district, while St. Francis Wood and Forest Hill boast some of the city’s finest architecture and landscaping.

Even when we were very little, my friends and I could safely walk around the busy West Portal shopping street, just down the hill from our school.  Clutching quarters in our hands, we’d buy candy or ice cream.  The shopkeepers knew us, and we’d often run into our parents’ friends, who knew us, too. It was very much a family neighborhood. more

17 Comments on American cities are reverting to primitive, self-destructive behavior

  1. When I was a young buck we didn’t have sideshows and take over intersections, but we did have drag races and keg parties. Had to take it outside of town if you didn’t want John Law up your ass.

  2. Does anyone realize yet that the Globalists “Build back Better” is to Destroy First?

    What the Democraps don’t get is that The Globalists who are promising a BETTER FUTURE are Head Faking the Demos.

    They want America Crippled from within so that Europe re-takes its former glory.

    Europe Still cannot accept that they were PASSED by the USA & now the Asian Sphere of influence. China, Korea, Japan, Tiawan, Singapore, I would argue have a better future than Europe in many respects. Aisian countries are hungry, North America has Natural wealth & potential, Europe is still slowly dying. They are a Giant Welfare continent.

  3. Yikes, Gotta some things to say about this. Me and the wife use to visit SF when we were young. Up from the Silicon valley. Back in the late 80’s. It was a toilet then, it’s militant now. Young bloods storming businesses stealing and robbing. San Fran gets what it courted. Those businesses have a choice, shut down or hire armed security, They shut down. Can’t be shooting young bloods. Won’t play well on the 5:00.
    Now young bloods are hitting a mall in mass in my zip code. This particular chain of malls allows guns. This mall services most of central Northern California. Farm and Ranch people make the drive down. Then you have guys like me that shower with my Glock on. (Not Really, It’s not all plastic). So you know what all of us heavily armed Pisteleros are going to do caught in the middle of a Jungle Boogie? Not a God Damn thing. I’ll grab my wife and stuff her in a defensible space behind me, draw my pistol while hunkered down and wait for it to blow over. If some poor lady and her kid get trampled or shot up, not my problem. The price is to high to get involved. I carry a gun for one reason. To protect me and mine. My gun doesn’t come out until it absolutely has to. If you think I’m a coward, or alone you’d be sadly mistaken. If you want us to get involved you need to give us some protection. Remember back, when Gabby Gifford got shot their were a bunch of ccw’s in that parking lot. None of the did shit. Why? Afraid of getting sued. Just sayen.

  4. @Brad

    I get it.
    Up here in canuckistan, defending ONLY yourself without a gun or weapon is very very risky.
    It’s our Government Crown Attorney’s with the police that will come to arrest you well after the fact.
    The attitude is “Charge everyone” and let the courts figure it out.

  5. It is a function of self hatred. We see it on a micro level when a previously cute girl adopts progressivism and it also manifests on a global level.

    Nothing anyone with an understanding of progressivism doesn’t expect.

  6. Kcir
    I’ve had a carry permit in this NorCal county since Christ was a kid. Just got it renewed. I received the e mail notification today with this counties standard boiler plate. “We’ve recorded your E-mail and cell phone contacts in case the Sheriffs department feels the need to deputize you in times of extreme unrest.”
    They did just that a couple summers ago when BLM was bitching about our county seat nick name. Hang Town.

  7. Andrea Widburg is always worth reading. She has gotten very outraged about the destruction of our country and the Vichy Republicans who help the Dementiacrats. Very knowledgeable about the Second Amendment and the fallacy of the transgender mental illness. Look up her website at the Bookwormroom.

  8. When the humans have had enough, they’ll have had enough.
    The deterioration will continue until then.
    Cities are magnets for maggots – especially cities with lots of “free” shit.
    The rat-people flock to them. Existence is too tenuous where one must earn a living. When people learn that the point of welfare is to “relieve want; not to supply indolence” and adjust it accordingly, the maggoty rat-people will seek employment and stop using all their empty hours doing mischief.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. This is happening all over the country.
    The Dirty Dems want to overwhelm the system and bring the country down to the level of socialist countries.
    Illegal immigration is part of it.
    This is from a local leftist fake news channel. In our small city of 22,000 crime is up 1500% because of illegals.

    The fake news won’t admit they’re illegals. They try to make people feel bad for them by describing them as homeless.

    “Schools are also feeling the strain, as the number of new students considered homeless because they live in temporary housing has skyrocketed.

    South Portland Superintendent Timothy Matheney said the district has received federal grants to help with the cost of transporting, translating, and providing English classes for these students. He is quick to add that the environment among the students has been welcoming and that “one of the things that makes South Portland schools so special right now, is the opportunity to go to class with students from all over the world.”

    There is also stress on public safety. Police calls to two hotels near the Maine Mall housing mostly transient people experiencing homelessness are up 300% to 1,500%, as are complaints of shoplifting, drug use, and fights in the area.

    At the two hotels housing asylum-seekers on Route 1, most of the calls are for paramedics. However, the number of those calls is up as well, 200% to 400% since 2017.”

  10. To be more accurate: The urban coons are running amok.

    There is a reason, likely heavily redacted from US history that is taught, as to why Jim Crow laws were created in the first place. A lot of black people act like total animals, and you simply can’t set up a functioning society with too many of them running around doing their usual, stupid, animal behavior.

  11. @ Brad
    The biggest part of protecting somebody you don’t know with a gun is the DA taking you to court spending countless hours sucking the life out of you. And don’t forget about the daily anal exam. When everyone else (including your lawyers), involved is getting paid megabucks and you’re losing time at work. And then there’s a joint effort by the media to paint you purple and to tear you to pieces. Yep, where do I sign up?

  12. TheMule,
    100% of the crime in the county where I live is perpetrated by lily-white rat motherfuckers.
    Cities have ALWAYS been breeding grounds for rat-people – even cities with NO “minority” populations.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Tim,

    Are the asshole white tweakers in your neck of the woods organizing repeated mass smash and grabs at the local WalMart with full support from the local DA? If not, then your comment is irrelevant and just more kneejerk genuflecting to black supremacists who hate you anyway if you’re white.

  14. TheMule,
    No. They would be killed.
    As for the relevance of my comment, it is just that one cannot claim (or imply) that criminality is the exclusive domain of negroes.
    And concerning “kneejerk genuflecting to black supremacists” – that is completely out of line – there was no kneejerk – there was no genuflection. Stating a fact is simply stating a fact – whether that fact is relevant or not can be decided by whomever reads the comment (I’m assuming that you are NOT the supreme arbiter of relevancy).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  15. Tim,

    My claim is that urban blacks get virtually a complete pass on criminal behavior by the ruling establishment if it helps their top down revolution efforts, provided they stay out of the rich neighborhoods. Blocking roads the middle class uses is okay. Looting the places the middle class shops is okay. Beating up and killing members of the middle class who get in your way likely won’t even lead to an arrest if you wear your mask and don’t brag online about it. Everyone else can be fucked over for the same behavior. Shoot a white looter, and, rightfully, nobody gives a shit. Shoot a black looter, and the DoJ and the ruling establishment will try to destroy your life, and likely will succeed.

    They are the chosen goon squad for the covert fascist movement in this country.


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