American Flag projected onto Matterhorn in Swiss Alps in show of coronavirus solidarity – IOTW Report

American Flag projected onto Matterhorn in Swiss Alps in show of coronavirus solidarity


A projection of the Stars and Stripes lit up the face of the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps in a show of solidarity with the United States amid the coronavirus pandemic Wednesday night.

The Embassy of Switzerland in the United States shared a photo of the American flag emblazoned across the iconic peak on Facebook Thursday.

“Switzerland is sending hope and strength to the United States of America,” the caption read. see more

16 Comments on American Flag projected onto Matterhorn in Swiss Alps in show of coronavirus solidarity

  1. Thanks to them. Brothers in arms. When I was 18 I was on a train there. A boy about 12 or 14 was on also, carrying a 22 target rifle, not in a case, just holding it with the butt balanced on his shoe. Just a normal kid going to the range. Pretty cool.

  2. From personal experience I can say Switzerland is the cleanest country I have ever visited, and, one of the most pleasantly beautiful.wherever you look.
    Thank you Swiss peeps!

  3. Very nice! @mja – I have the attached below, hanging up in the living room, one of two prints:

    Also IF, IF you ever find yourself in NYC, ha, but there is a MP on canvas, the backdrop of the entire bar is at the St Regis Hotel on 55th st ACROSS from THE TRUMP TOWER. Very $$$$ but got in there once, you have to wear a jacket!

    Drink slowly and enjoy…

  4. Switzerland is sending hope and strength to the United States of America



    The widow’s mite, is the mite that she has.

    But there is reason we decide if we call you “ally”.

    This? The swooning over this?

    Oh? Xhe wrote “United States of America”? Well then, git on wit yaselves. Oh yes, that includes you United States’ residents.

  5. Amazing! They have projected a dimmer light all around to the side to make it look like it was completely painted but not lit up on the side! In shadows! Do they have a shadowed-version image projector?

    Oh Wait.


    Awesome image, though


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