American pediatric group demands major medical orgs reject child sex changes – IOTW Report

American pediatric group demands major medical orgs reject child sex changes


The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) has issued a statement condemning multiple medical associations by name for supporting sex change practices for minors who identify as transgender

The “Doctors Protecting Children Declaration,” authored by the ACPeds and endorsed by several other medical groups, calls on media organizations to cease promoting practices such as social transition, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries for children identifying as the opposite sex.   MORE

4 Comments on American pediatric group demands major medical orgs reject child sex changes

  1. American pediatric group demands major medical orgs reject child sex changes.

    Imagine anyone in the 20th century (any year) reading this headline! People would holding up there arms yelling to stop Man from crossing thru the gates of Hell to the 21st!

  2. About… Fucking… Time… JFC… Why would it take this goddamn long?! This evil shit has been going on for years!

    The catering to degenerate faggots & paedos in the US is out of fucking control.


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