American School Tries To Ban the American Flag – IOTW Report

American School Tries To Ban the American Flag

The school tried to say that they merely issued a ban on all flag flying because of skirmishes in the school parking lot over confederate flags or Mexican flags, and unfortunately the ban would have to include the American Flag, you know, because of fairness, or something.

Not so fast, Chachi.

No one bans the American flag in the United States and gets away with it.


For the sake of “inclusivity” and protecting students from being “offended,” a Colorado high school informed students last week that they were forbidden from flying any flags, including the American flag, in the parking lot. The next day, five seniors decided to stage a pro-freedom of speech, pro-America demonstration, proudly flying Old Glory in protest of the new policy. Following mounting public pressure, the school has since walked back its ill-conceived ban.

The flag ban at Fruita Monument High School reportedly came in response to a student who chose to fly a Confederate Flag behind his vehicle, something school officials deemed offensive to other students. The administration’s solution: ban all flags. Students who disobeyed faced consequences, including the potential to be barred from walking in the graduation.


Click through to the Daily Wire. The school backpedaled.

10 Comments on American School Tries To Ban the American Flag

  1. I’m a Christian and can’t really be a white nationalist. But shit like this doesn’t make it any easier. I’m torn between my religion and my indignation.

  2. So. All flags must be banned ’cause flags cause fights and wars. Or something.


    All flags must be banned ’cause it causes the school admin to get up off their fat asses and out of their cushy chairs and corner offices, and actually mingle with the unwashed masses of serfs they’re supposed to be helping.


    Flags are not banned, but must be flown “respectfully”.
    (WTF does THAT even mean?)

  3. If you want to fly the flag of Mexico, do it somewhere south of the US-Mexico border (such that it still exists). Not here.

    Problemo el solved-o.

  4. This is actually a conservative area of Colorado right outside of Colorado Springs and the Air Force Base. Just shows that leftists infiltrate the schools everywhere and push this BS. Fortunately the kids didn’t take it.

  5. No, Fruita is on the western slope…200 miles from Colorado Springs, but it is conservative and still pretty agrarian with an influx of illegal aliens, so the racial tensions are predictable….

  6. So, the administration has no balls to look the complainers in the eye and tell them not to pay attention to the flag(s) if they don’t like ’em? Everyone is a special snowflake, that needs their safe space?
    Grow the fuck up, dammit.

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