American who escaped al Qaeda says FBI, under Mueller and Comey, betrayed him – IOTW Report

American who escaped al Qaeda says FBI, under Mueller and Comey, betrayed him

Creeping Sharia: After he escaped from Al Qaeda in Syria, American photojournalist Matt Schrier investigated his own kidnapping and uncovered what he describes as a pattern of “betrayal” by FBI agents handling his case.

Schrier is now asking hard questions of former FBI Director Robert Mueller, who now leads the special counsel Russia probe, and former FBI Director James Comey, who was fired by President Trump in May 2017.

“Not every FBI agent is bad.  Some are very good people,” Schrier told Fox News. “But the ones that are bad need to be weeded out. And the ones who let them be bad, and who turn their head, need to be exposed.”

In an exclusive cable interview that first aired Monday on “The Story” with Martha MacCallum, Schrier went in depth, sharing emails, financial records and formal letters of complaint, which backed up allegations that after he was taken hostage in 2012, the FBI monitored his accounts as Al Qaeda terrorists used his money to buy at least a dozen computers and tablets.

While he was tortured and held by al Nusra, the brutal Al Qaeda franchise in Syria, Schrier claimed the FBI put intelligence gathering ahead of his personal security, hoping to track the computers and tablets to learn more about Al Qaeda recruits and future plots. After his harrowing escape, Schrier started demanding answers from the FBI, which at the time of his kidnapping was led by Mueller.

Since his return to the U.S. in mid-2013, Schrier shared documents with Fox News and explained, “I faxed– I emailed them, probably between my mother and my father and me, between 50 and 100 complaints.” MORE

7 Comments on American who escaped al Qaeda says FBI, under Mueller and Comey, betrayed him

  1. Who would be surprised now? They got 2 Muslims terrorists to come after BFH, Geller, and others at Garland, while BHO was supplying the anti-Assad forces, including ISIS, with weapons. They probably figured his cash was better than the US governments, and if he died, who would know the better.

    BHO didn’t have a strategy to defeat the JV team ISIS because they were his administration’s creation. Putin laid it all out when he said the Americans were playing both sides in the war. Indeed, at one time, three different American backed factions were fighting each other. The BHO administration was pure evil. Crickets from the MSM. I suspect they kept his sorry ass doped up while others pulled the strings.

  2. “uncovered what he describes as a pattern of “betrayal” by FBI agents handling his case”

    any one else starting to see a pattern here with the fbi and terrorism and terrorist suspects, mass shootings, gun running ?

    are we even sure the fbi is on the side of the citizens of the usa ?


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