American Wrestler Hits It Big In Mexico – IOTW Report

American Wrestler Hits It Big In Mexico

Yucatan Times Sam Polinsky, known as Sam Adonis, climbs into the ring of “Arena México“, Mexico City’s main wresting stadium, waving an American flag that has Trump’s face emblazoned over the red, white and blue.

“I hear it all, and the Mexican fans are screaming the worst expletives they can at me. They are throwing beers at me, they are throwing popcorn at me,” Polinsky said.


10 Comments on American Wrestler Hits It Big In Mexico

  1. The mexicans will through him back over the wall when its finished.

    Great Story! I hated the bad guys when i was a runt and went to vern gagnes wrestling programs.

  2. This week end a friend of mines kid, a Junior in high school, went into the Northern Cali TOC to qualify for state. He was ranked 9th. Had to leave 4th or better which he did. All opponents were seniors. Every match went overtime. Who wants it? He did.

  3. I like what he’s doing but he shouldn’t have President Trump’s picture on our flag. I didn’t like it when obama’s supporters did it and I don’t like this either. Have a separate item to honor President Trump if you want but leave our flag alone.

  4. I’m old enough to remember watching wrestling with my Grandfather back in the late 50’s and early 60’s on his B&W TV on Sunday afternoons. Sponsored locally here in the Spokane, Wa. CDA, Id. area by Dr. David Cowan, The Peerless Dentist. I can even remember some of the names of the so called wrestlers, Pango Pango, The Destroyer etc. It was hokey and fake then and it still is the same or worse now. Better than wrestling was watching old movies and Creature Features with my Grandfather including the old Johnny Weismuller Tarzan movies, he loved Tarzan movies and so do I and even my kids like the old Tarzan movies. My Dad has Johnny Weismuller’s autograph because his older brother was in the Navy during WW 2 and knew Johnny Weissmuller from being stationed at NAS North Island in San Diego and hung around the pool at Coronado and met Mr. Weissmuller getting his autograph for his kid brother, my Dad. I’ll take Tarzan over fake wrestling anyday.

  5. Amen, Charlie WalksonWater…

    Remember Abdullah the Butcher back in the 70’s? He was in a match at our HS gym, around 1975. The hatred for him was palpable. I wonder what he’s doing now. Probably teaching Sunday school.

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