Americans – IOTW Report


ht/ too subtle?

25 Comments on Americans

  1. We had no river in Hue (said way) in 67 but it felt cold. Actually in the 70’s but after 95-95 is was cold. And we did kill lots of Chinks a month or so later! My only regret is we killed too few!

  2. Oh man I put this up on my Fakebook periodically and it’s always surprising who “likes” it–almost always at least a couple of peeps I wouldn’t have expected it to. I’m telling you, people understand force; even deep inside they understand that force gets results, not this horseshit pandering in an international popularity contest.

  3. As a Daughter of the American Revolution with several Patriots in my lineage who endured incredible hardship and risked “their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor,” this illustration brings to mind these two words: HELL, YEAH!

  4. as I sit here on Christmas night, trying to write a pithy comment, I cannot help but to look back at the courage & leadership that it took for Washington to get men that had not been paid, fed, clothed or proper armed & were about to end their recruitment & go home to actually pull of the astounding feat of crossing an icy river at night, secure a bridgehead, re-organize in the dead of night, force-march in the early morning to battle & completely defeat the enemy. then to take a stand against the greatest army in the world, at that time, hold them until darkness & slip away back across the same river into safety.
    to say these men were courageous is a monumental understatement; they saved a nation … I am in awe … we need to tell our children their story

    a good account to read is ‘Washington’s Crossing’ by David Hackett Fischer

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