Americans Know Biden Is Abusing the Justice System – IOTW Report

Americans Know Biden Is Abusing the Justice System

Red State

The survey, conducted by McLaughlin and Associates, revealed that most respondents believe Biden is using the government against Trump through the justice system to skew the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. Interestingly enough, it is not only Republicans who have this perspective – Democrats and Independents also see through the scam. More

22 Comments on Americans Know Biden Is Abusing the Justice System

  1. And the Biden administration knows that we’re unable to do anything about it as the GOP goes along but does occasionally give strongly worded speeches pretending they care.

  2. OK, everyone knows what they are doing, so the question is; what percentage of voters even care?

    I will remind everyone what Sam Harris said about Hunter’s laptop;

    “Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement, I would not have cared.”

    Harris and his ilk (not sure how many of those are out there) believe that Trump poses such a threat to democracy that any evidence of Biden family corruption should be ignored and any usurpation of the justice system be exploited for the greater good.

    This is what we are dealing with, they are un-principled, lawless, and bloodthirsty.


    Russia, Ukraine, & the WEST should be bulking up against ISIS & their Sponsors NOT FIGHTING EACH OTHER like the Demo’s Caused.

    It should be Jews & Christians defending against INVADERS rather than killing ourselves off.

    Shit just happened in Russia and the truth will come out…

  4. Saw somewhere earlier the New York State Police are telling people to stock up on food and expect Internet outages and other possible problems during the upcoming Eclipse. WTF? Been through several Eclipse’s over the years and never warned to prepare for emergency.
    Found that to be very strange.

  5. MU**Y SHIT

    There was a Chechnya Unit on the Ruskie side (against the “Ukes”) saying that they were just lining up with the Ruskies to get armed up with heavy shit so that they could eventually turn on the Russians.

    It was somewhere on Y-tube, I don’t remember where.

    Russia & Ukraine NEVER should have been turned on each other by that WHORE Victoria NEWLAND & her bosses if you CONSIDER THE LONG GAME!


    My Kids are BOTH with 2 targets on their backs.

  6. Kcir – from Toronto, Home of M.F.’er Dominion voting sys.
    FRIDAY, 22 MARCH 2024, 17:19 AT 5:19 PM

    Russia, Ukraine, & the WEST should be bulking up against ISIS & their Sponsors NOT FIGHTING EACH OTHER like the Demo’s Caused.

    It should be Jews & Christians defending against INVADERS rather than killing ourselves off.”

    Same thing happened when the Reformation started or there’d be no Islam today.

  7. Brad,

    re: “Avoid the Mall”

    Hell, Visa calls me if they ever see my card used anywhere other than the Butcher, bike, Booze or Bullet shops.


    …and most of my clothes are Free Swag from HVAC suppliers:
    Lennox, Carrier, United Refrigeration, & Copeland

  8. History, Repeating

    The Crusades were NOT an ATTACK, they were an counter strike & an expulsion of an invading army that attacked when Europe was weak & suffering from plague.


  9. ISIS is taking credit. I think there’s a few of us here that could have made the transition through those asshole with a hand gun. They sucked. And are cowards. The Crusades never ended.

  10. Kcir
    FRIDAY, 22 MARCH 2024, 17:45 AT 5:45 PM
    “History, Repeating

    The Crusades were NOT an ATTACK, they were an counter strike & an expulsion of an invading army that attacked when Europe was weak & suffering from plague.


    Exactly. Read what I said. The problem is they were stopped when Christians fell to fighting amongst themselves.

  11. 1. The dirty AG and Judge claim Trump overvalued his assets to get a loan that he’s already paid off in full.

    2. Judge arbitrarily values Trump’s assets at 5% of their actual value.

    3. Jury of democrat scumbags find Trump liable for “fraud” even though the case has no plaintiff who lost money at all.

    4. Filthy judge levels arbitrary half billion dollar fine because he knows Trump can’t get a bond for that much, and, therefore, can’t appeal the travesty of justice.

    Future possibilities:

    A) Trump raises the bond. Appeals the verdict. Wins. And then NY refuses to pay his bond back based on some equally fucked up “legal” decision.

    B) Trump can’t raise the bond. NY steals his property and then sells it for its actual market value which is 20x what the Judge said it was worth the justify the suit against Trump. The filthy democrats steal all the cash. And think they’ve won something.

    What they’ve actually won is the hatred of every high end investor in the state. At that point, democrats will have marked themselves as mafia organization operating as the NY government. Nothing less. Because this is exactly something the Mafia would do if they could.


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