America’s declining birthrate: This is how nations die – IOTW Report

America’s declining birthrate: This is how nations die

Patriot Retort:

According to CDC, America’s birthrate has declined to a record low. Don’t underestimate just how concerning this is because this is how nations die.

Our birthrate is so low, we are below replacement levels – meaning we are having so few babies, we can’t even replace the population that dies.

Unlike most of Europe, Japan and Canada, the United States was maintaining a healthy 2.1 live births per woman fertility rate. This is considered replacement level.

But now our birthrate has declined so much, we are below the 2.1 level.

Without the benefit of a steady birthrate, our population will grow older.

Just look at Japan. Japan has been far below the replacement rate for decades. As a result over the last nearly sixty years, the median age of population in Japan has grown older and older as their birthrate steadily declined. more

17 Comments on America’s declining birthrate: This is how nations die

  1. …no worries. They just sterilized everyone with their fake “vaccine” and whatever babies are born won’t live long, and the shed spike proteins will sterilize the non vaccinated women, so once this generation dies off, the Chinese can just shove the bodies into the ocean and take everything intact without a shot fired.

    …thanks, Democrats, you’ve doomed us all…

  2. I go to a happy hour at a music shop
    in downtown Houston on occasion. I
    talk to several young women in their 20’s
    to early thirties.I can tell you they have
    no interest in being a “soccer mom”.These
    are beautiful girls with no fat on them that
    dress very stylish.Most of them don’t care anything
    about dating or any interest in men and they don’t
    seem to be gay.

  3. Productive tax paying people can’t afford kids…notice the poorest among us have the most kids? And why not? More cash for each mouth to feed. When a working man or woman has a baby, do they automatically get a raise. Nope. Perverse government incentives have the poor cranking out babies in mostly single mom homes. A recipe for disaster

  4. The lies of the communists, progressives, femi-nazis, leftists, demonrats, rinos, socialists, and euro-trash maggots have been swallowed whole.

    These people aren’t just anti-civilization and anti-American – they are anti-Life.

    We’ve murdered some 55 million infants since Roe v Wade (somehow – never passed the Legislature or signed by the President) became the law of the land.

    The lies keep coming. And we keep accommodating those liars.

    I guess it’s a despondency – a “malaise” (as Jimmy Carter put it) – that affluence brings with it. Too lazy to copulate. Too lazy to raise children. Too lazy to GAF. And totally immersed in the “everlasting teenager syndrome” where no one wants the responsibilities and joys of parenthood – only the immediate gratification of lusts.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. About an hour and fifteen minutes. Link:

    Where my sister finds this stuff is truly amazing!

    Three ladies severely affected by severe convulsions (which somewhat presents as tardive dyskenesia), after receiving the COVID jab. They only found each other after exhaustive searches over social Websites.

    They said this condition mostly affects about 90% of women who develop this horrid condition (discretion strongly advised) So, just a thought…

    If the main focus is depopulation, consider this:

    1) With 100 men and one woman how quickly can this group populate?


    2) With 100 women and one man, how quickly can 100 women populate?

    ANSWER: Reduce the number of women capable of producing a population quicker via a vaccine (probably unlikely…but, again, just a thought).

    Overpopulation “problem” solved.

  6. That’s not how nations die. Nations die through terrible leadership at the top. People (and their children) leave those nations for greener pastures and a future for themselves and their children. Japan has had declining birth rates well below replacement for a long time and they aren’t anywhere close to dying. They also aren’t replacing their population with foolish choices like immigration, legal and otherwise. America is dying because of incompetent leadership at the top. They make bad decisions in every area so consistently that you have to come to the conclusion that their intent is to destroy America.

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