America’s Exhausted Mediocracy – IOTW Report

America’s Exhausted Mediocracy

“This is arguably the BEST piece the great has EVER written. It’s all about the rotten, dishonest, C. Steven Tucker

Our Exhausted American Mediocracy

9 Comments on America’s Exhausted Mediocracy

  1. Shitbama would have needed 10 million % improvement, to ACHIEVE, “mediocrity.” Schmuckles & PE-lousy, too.

    We’re NOT tired of “mediocrity” – we’re tired of “bottom-of-the-barrel-scrapings,” masquerading AS, “mediocrity.” 😡

  2. Content created by the Center for American Greatness, Inc. is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a significant audience. For licensing opportunities for our original content, please contact [email protected].

    So is IOTWReport where ALL of that content was stated first.
    He sure do write it better though. YaY Team.
    Glad they read we too.

  3. How Trump doesn’t have more support than he does puzzles me. I realize his personality is offensive to many people {it’s mostly showmanship} but does that weigh heavier on the voters than a successfully functioning government?
    P.T. Barnum was on to something.

  4. I remember wondering all through my school days, up to and including graduate school, how the many cheaters I saw were going to be able to support themselves having learned nothing in school. I was terribly naïve and gullible. It later became most clear that politics and journalism were the cheaters’ natural destiny. I still writhe in embarrassment that I didn’t see that sooner.

  5. VDH has done many very good articles the last few years. this is good, but IMHO not near his best. The best he’s done the last 2 years is “Republican Embarrassments” Full attack on the Obama/Rove/Bush UNIPARTY! I am a conservative and admit my bias!

    I think VDH did this either Oct or Sep of last year. Liberals/progressives will hate it; fair warning.

  6. @gin blossom January 3, 2019 at 6:55 am

    > I realize his personality is offensive to many people {it’s mostly showmanship} but does that weigh heavier on the voters

    Over 50% of the eligible voters, deliberately put on shoes that they, themselves, say they can barely walk in. Because they’re pretty. Do you even math, brah?

  7. @forcibly deranged January 3, 2019 at 7:15 am

    > I remember wondering all through my school days, up to and including graduate school, how the many cheaters I saw were going to be able to support themselves having learned nothing in school.

    > I still writhe in embarrassment that I didn’t see that sooner.

    That’s the curtain in the throne room of the Emerald City. Don’t give up, until the “wizard” tells you the truth. (Which isn’t nearly as disappointing. Once you get over the whole “wizard” fakery thing.)

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