America’s First Openly Mentally-Challenged President – IOTW Report

America’s First Openly Mentally-Challenged President


Joe Biden mistakenly branded Korean President Moon Jae-in ‘prime minister’ a day after he called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘president.’

When President Biden, 78, presented 94-year-old Korean War veteran Ralph Puckett with the Medal of Honor on Friday, he said, ‘The people in the Republic of Korea haven’t forgotten, as evidenced by the fact that the prime minister of Korea is here for this ceremony,’ The New York Post reported.

Less than 24 hours earlier, Biden referred to Netanyahu as ‘President Netanyahu’ during his speech celebrating an Israel-Hamas cease-fire, according to The Post.


29 Comments on America’s First Openly Mentally-Challenged President

  1. I’m not too sure the Clintons have much of a say these days. There was open hate between them in 2008 in the campaign.

    Definitely ValGal and Barack are in the thick of it.

  2. Pretty sure CT Ginger is right, but I might add Soros, Bezos, that creep from Twitter whose name escapes me, and of course Xi Tsao Ping.

    We don’t even know the names of the puppet masters.

  3. Seems like a fine Saturday night to escape into alcohol and music on the patio. I’m starting with English Beat 1982. Special Beat Service.

    Combat can resume in the morning. These people can’t peg me to 11 every day. Fuck them. I refuse.

  4. Joe could be frozen solid and the same people running America would still be running America. Joe is a just a empty shadow on a blue screen. Voters have no idea who’s in charge.

  5. @kcir.

    You’re trying to make me cry. Last November I went to visit mom for the last time. She was fading and I put Roy Orbison on, as well as Neil Diamond and she came back to life and postponed death for 4 months. A true miracle and a blessing.

    It’s a long story. But it was a miraculous event.

    I miss Pretty Woman. Mercy.

  6. I am still trying to figure out what mighty Bosstones are saying in that new release I posted earlier. They ran away from God and now realize that they lived a safe and idyllic childhood because we once lived in a godly society?

  7. Dementia aside, you can tell a lot about Biden by his wife: she’s classless, obnoxious, and has an opinion of herself that is way beyond reality.

  8. the countries enemies had better watch out and not try to take advantage of slow joe.

    they cannot be sure of who is actually running things right now and what the response will be, because we citizens are not sure ourselves.

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