America’s Got Felons – IOTW Report

America’s Got Felons


American Thinker:

President Trump’s State of the Union address was extraordinary not only for the good news the president highlighted about our economy and more, but also for the polarized reactions of Congress on display during this nationally televised event.

The American people were treated to a glimpse of their representatives’ real attitudes and priorities as the Democrats refused to stand or even clap in recognition of improvements in our economy and tax cuts – or even in recognition of and respect for our national symbol: the American flag.

This was far worse than the coddled NFL players misguidedly “taking a knee” during the National Anthem, as if these multimillionaires had a reason to dis America.  After all, these guys just play ball – they don’t sit in the halls of Congress.

Rather than get behind those of Trump’s policies that are clearly good for America and popular with the people, the Democrats behaved like the spoiled kid who loses a game and flings the board and all the pieces in the air to wreck it for everyone else.  They threw a massive temper tantrum.  What a national disgrace!  There’s absolutely no reason for the utter lack of civility in the public square – especially not from our elected representatives.

Think about what they’re modeling for our young.  It’s cool to hate your president and display that hatred and contempt in public.

And these are our elected representatives!  It doesn’t matter that they are Democrats.  They are in the People’s House, and they are comporting themselves with a shocking lack of respect for their role and for their constituents.

Recall that polls show that 75% of Americans gave high marks to the president’s speech.  Yet nearly 50% of Congress openly viewed it with contempt.  A few did this by “boycotting” their president’s State of the Union address to Congress.  Unbelievable!  That’s tantamount to boycotting the Executive Branch of our government.

But perhaps there is a reason for the Democrats’ ill tempered wholesale rejection of the president’s uplifting and inspirational speech, as well as all things Trump.  Perhaps the stakes are personally high for many of them.  Perhaps they have something to hide.

Let’s talk about the memo.

Why were top Dems, including Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Adam Schiff, wailing that the sky would fall if Trump released the Nunes Memo to the public?  MORE HERE

6 Comments on America’s Got Felons

  1. “But perhaps the American people aren’t quite as stupid as Gruber or Schiff have arrogantly proclaimed.”

    Gruber? I thought Hans took the backwards one and a quarter off of Nakatome Tower.

    Oh, right – we’re talking about Democrats. I’m sure he’s voted in every election since ’88.

  2. I work in a k-8 school district (IOTW has posted before about my district) where people are allowed 3 minutes to speak to the board, with no response in return. Last month, a 7th grade student spoke to the board and superintendent and talked shit to him. All of the teachers cheered the student on, and this child kept on, with the cheering ‘adults’ behind him.

    The lefties are imbalanced and immature, and are throwing worse tantrums under our current adult supervision. They really need a good spanking. No matter what, my children would have received an ass kicking for disrespecting an adult, even if it was Barry or Mike.

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