America’s Left Needs to Heed What is Happening in Haiti – IOTW Report

America’s Left Needs to Heed What is Happening in Haiti

Bearing Arms

Crime is rampant, police are few and far between and in many cases, work alongside or in cooperation with the gangs that are the de facto authorities in many communities. At times the streets of Port-au-Prince have resembled a war zone; specifically a civil war pitting Haitians against Haitians in a deadly fight over control of a few square blocks of territory.

But as the New York Times reports, gang violence and violent crime has dropped dramatically in recent weeks as a new power has gained strength on the streets: the “bwa kale” movement, described by the Times as “a citizens “self-defense” movement. Over the past six weeks members have delivered their own brutal form of street justice against the gangs that are causing so many residents to live in fear, killing an estimated 160 suspected gang members. More

11 Comments on America’s Left Needs to Heed What is Happening in Haiti

  1. It would be textbook communism (theory, not practice) if the remainder of the state disappeared. Of course it won’t (communism in practice) because the thugs in charge of the state like the grift and don’t want to go back to working for a living. Just as in all cases of parasitism the parasite must be driven off, it will never leave voluntarily.

  2. Haitians are coming to Maine along with the Africans.
    We spoke with people who live in the Caribbean about why no one on other islands don’t take Haitians. They said no one wants them. They’re trouble.
    Even Dominican Republic built a wall to keep them out.

  3. So the woman supports vigilantes but not how they do it. She sounds like a RINO.

    And it may go too far and innocent people may get killed? Like they aren’t being killed now?

    I agree, it is a sad state of affairs. That’s why I hope our elected officials get the message and don’t let things get that bad.

    Gee, I wonder if Haiti has strict gun control. That might be why the vigilantes have to resort to things such as setting people on fire because other means have been taken away from them.

  4. Beachmom
    AT 3:59 PM

    “They’re trouble.”

    …”they” certainly can be and statistically may be shown to be (as with any population that learned the hard way that they live and die at political whim), but please be careful about rejecting the individual.

    My EHS coordinator is one of the hardest working, nicest people I know, and he is of Hatian extraction. Despite that he manages to be educated and Christian, and honors life more than some from similar circumstances might.

    One example of this is that, thanks to recent trends in vaxxxing and Fentanyl, I’ve had occasion to perform CPR on young people. On both occasions he ended up being the only person who stepped up to actually do chest compressions with me. The first guy the ambulance was somewhere else, so after he came in and took over compressions so I could take a break and do breaths, it was about 10 minutes that he cranked the kids chest with only a break when I deployed the AED and it analyzed or I was doing breaths (at 30:2 that’s not a lot) before they got there and got set up, which is a LONG time to smoosh a young, otherwise healthy chest hard enough to do anything useful, but this tall skinny dude got ‘er done.

    And you should have seen how happy he was the first time we got one back.

    …Haiti has problems. Modern Haiti started with the slaughter of White people, but that doesn’t mean every current Haitian hates White people any more than you can say every current American Black hates White people. (Although considering what the Clintons did to them you really couldn’t blame them if they DID).

    So while I’m sure that there’s a fair number of problematic Haitians out there, I’m rather glad this particular Hatian made it to our shores.

    And I suspect the man who’s life he helped save feels the same…

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