America’s Most Famous Child Molester’s Separation From Husband Is Not What You Thought – IOTW Report

America’s Most Famous Child Molester’s Separation From Husband Is Not What You Thought

I read the other day that Mary Kay Letourneau, the teacher that banged her 12 year-old student and then went to jail for 7 years for instantly violating the terms of her probation (the instant she left jail she not only banged the kid again, she got pregnant) was getting separated.

Now we learn that it has nothing to do with them falling out of love. It’s so he can deal legal drugs.


Vili Fualaau says he and wife Mary Kay Letourneau are still in love, despite the fact that he recently filed for legal separation. Fualaau says he’s only separating from Letourneau—who spent more than seven years in prison for having sex with Fualaau when he was her 12-year-old student and who is still a registered sex offender—to protect his business interests.

He’s looking to become a licensed marijuana cigarette distributor, he tells Radar, and “when you want to get licensed, they do background checks on both parties … I have to be licensed and I have to be vetted and so does a spouse. She has a past. She has a history.” He says the couple is still in love. Meanwhile, TMZ reports that Letourneau has filed what the gossip site calls “a bizarre petition” to have her husband’s separation filing dismissed.

15 Comments on America’s Most Famous Child Molester’s Separation From Husband Is Not What You Thought

  1. Yep, perversion is legal and considered normal by MSM.
    Why was she sent to jail?
    When muslims marry 9 year old girls there are no arrests, it ends up as an article about culture, (a culture of perversion, I might add).

  2. This sick woman taught school about two miles from my home and I knew people who’s kids were taught by her. Apparently, she was a decent teacher, with a very sick background. She was the adult, but I have no respect for the kid, either.

  3. She did him for herself. He did her for fun. Now they are doing it for the kids. As I recall, his parents sued the school system for lots of money, claiming that she had damaged their child whilst doing him. They lost the lawsuit, hence the low lifestyle. Not that there would be any money left with this bunch. It’s the Peverted Family Circus brought to life. Seven years in the Washington wine and cheese pairing facility is a long time for robbing the cradle though.

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