America’s Top Oil Field Terrorized By Armed Venezuelan Gangs – IOTW Report

America’s Top Oil Field Terrorized By Armed Venezuelan Gangs

Zero Hedge

It’s only going to get worse from here, as the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous open border policies have now come to a ‘neighborhood near you’ (for some of you). In the past week, we saw armed Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua members terrorize the northern Denver suburb of Aurora and other sanctuary cities run by far-left Democrats. New concerns out Thursday afternoon indicate critical infrastructure is now under threat from migrant cartel members

According to Libs of TikTok, a Texas-based oil/gas company issued a memo to employees informing them that police and the FBI have warned armed Cuba and Venezuela migrant gangs are committing thefts in the Permian Basin (America’s highest producing oil field). 

Here’s the memo:

20 Comments on America’s Top Oil Field Terrorized By Armed Venezuelan Gangs

  1. @Beachmom

    Do you have any idea the physical size of the Permian Basin? You would need tens of thousands. Oil companies are not going to pony up for that. And all also require their workers surrender their second amendment rights as a condition of employment.

  2. The police and FBI have warned the oil company but they haven’t any time to go after the gangs. Reason 1- potential dem vote, reason 2- not 80 year old harmless grandmas.

  3. …friend of mine in Houston knows some oil field guys. He says every truck they use has varmint guns in it, because critters do trouble them from time to time.

    And they arent in the habit of reporting the varmints they kill way out there away from civilization.

    And Im not sure that doesnt apply to the 2 legged variety as well…

  4. Just Saying
    Sunday, 8 September 2024, 15:23 at 3:23 pm
    The police and FBI have warned the oil company but they haven’t any time to go after the gangs. Reason 1- potential dem vote, reason 2- not 80 year old harmless grandmas.”

    …reason 3 – they’re on the same side.

  5. I’ve spent plenty of time on west Texas.

    It’s pretty desolate. Just start putting them down and letting the weather and wildlife take care of them. Hopefully the hogs don’t die from fentanyl poisoning after having a bite.

  6. Tony R

    Yea well the Hells Angels were never coming. They are a criminal enterprise and would sooner offer protection to those little brown guys than ride in and kill them if there was a profit in it. Long story but when I was young and pretty I had some exposure to that element. Not a lot of predictable behavior going on there.
    The best way to keep control over these little rat bastards is to identify them and track every move they make apposed to trying to guard every fucking thing.
    That’s our county Sheriffs approach, I think it’s spot on. Again, buy a gun, get good with it.

  7. Well then Lowell, those companies asked for the trouble and they can figure it out.
    I don’t feel bad for them since their policies brought on the trouble.
    Good example of what the country would be if Kommie got our guns.


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