Amnesty International Criticizes Socialist Venezuela’s Forced Labor – IOTW Report

Amnesty International Criticizes Socialist Venezuela’s Forced Labor


 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (2L) last week signed a presidential decree calling on all physically able Venezuelans to work in the agriculture sector. Amnesty International slammed the decree as “unlawful” and called it a form of “forced labor.” Photo courtesy of Prensa Presidencial
 CARACAS, Venezuela, July 29 (UPI) — Amnesty International has slammed a recent “forced labor” decree by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro that could draft public and private workers to increase food production.

At the end of last week, Maduro signed a decree that would give Venezuela’s Ministry of Popular Power for Social Process of Work the ability to order any Venezuelan with the physical or technical capabilities to join a government effort to work in the agriculture sector for up to 120 days.

Venezuela is facing a deepening economic crisis in which basic goods, such as food, medicines and toiletries, are in short supply. Tens of thousands have traveled outside the country, mainly to Colombia, to restock supplies as store shelves and kitchen cupboards are nearly empty. Venezuela’s farming association in June said only 25 percent of the country’s agricultural land is being used to farm.

Amnesty International criticized the decree as “unlawful and effectively amounts to forced labor.”


12 Comments on Amnesty International Criticizes Socialist Venezuela’s Forced Labor

  1. Welcome to 21st Century Commies World.
    “Venezuela’s Ministry of Popular Power for Social Process of Work”
    Last Century it was nice and short: Gulag. 😉

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