Amy Klobuchar announces her husband has coronavirus – IOTW Report

Amy Klobuchar announces her husband has coronavirus

Just The News: Former Democratic presidential candidate and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar said Monday that her husband, John, has been diagnosed with coronavirus and is being treated at a Virginia hospital. 

According to the senator’s statement, her husband is “exhausted and sick but a very strong and resilient person.” He also has pneumonia and has been given oxygen, but is not on a ventilator, she said. more

17 Comments on Amy Klobuchar announces her husband has coronavirus

  1. …the guy’s got something WORSE than Coronavirus wrong with him if he married YOU…

    …well, at least you’re not another guy.


    …when it comes to Democrat “males”, guess we need to give him SOME props for THAT…

  2. So what?! Like it matters to know this. Inanity at its finest.

    Maybe to avoid “virus bigotry” State’s should start minute by minute posting of every flu infection/hospital visit/death…you know, to be fair and balanced.

    Idiotic hysteria going on, in the meantime real livelihoods are being massively affected by government overreach (mini-Marshall Law).

  3. Who gives a shit? So what? BFD. The guy across the back fence sneezed. Should I call the newspaper? Good gawd. Anyone else sick of the media reporting on everyone who’s ever had their face on TV? People get sick. People get well. Some die. Move on.

  4. I don’t like her, I don’t like her policies, but my God says we are ALL his children, and brothers and sisters of the human race.
    I will say a prayer from him just as I have been for all the others who have been struck by this virus


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