Amy Klobuchar’s Idea to End Sexism: Nominate a Woman for President – IOTW Report

Amy Klobuchar’s Idea to End Sexism: Nominate a Woman for President

Breitbart: Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said at the Democrat debate on Wednesday that she had an idea for ending the kind of sexism Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Mayor Pete Buttigieg said was prevalent on social media, including disparaging women who work for campaigns.

“I have an idea on how we can stop sexism on the Internet,” Amy Klobuchar said. “We could nominate a woman for candidate for president of the United States.” more

24 Comments on Amy Klobuchar’s Idea to End Sexism: Nominate a Woman for President

  1. I know there are crazy ass men in the ME at war every minute of every day. But I gotta say women would be no better, overall. Look at hillary and liz’s temperaments.
    No thanks.
    Not saying all women would be horrible presidents, but like men, you can’t just say I want this guy because he’s a guy. It’s the right person. Regardless of sex.
    I’ve seen no woman so far who can cut it in 2020.

  2. At the end of the debate, while the candidates were glad-handing each other, Klobuchar walked around and past all of them, appeared to throw her notes on the floor, then walked off stage.

    Anyone else see this?

  3. You are mistaken MJA, all women would be horrible presidents.
    We dont ever want a woman president. That would be the death of the USA. There would be uncontrollable crime everywhere, and we would most certainly be invaded by China and Russia, there would be non stop war and suffering. To save this country we must repeal the 19th amendment now. Klobacher proved in last nights debate that women are emotional, irrational, hysterical creatures. Not to mention vindictive, scheming , lying ,backstabing , untrustwothy , and disloyal. They have no business voting let alone holding the power of the highest office in the world.
    Repeal the 19th now.

  4. Klobuchar would be easily intimidated and manipulated by United Nations despots of the world. That Parkinson-like head shake, she has when she gets angry or nervous would be a “tell”. She doesn’t have a tough demeanor needed to deal with the likes of Putin. She’s too needy, reactionary – worst of all a Democrat.

  5. #REPEAL19TH
    FEBRUARY 20, 2020 AT 10:57 AM
    “A much better action would be to repeal the 19TH Amendment!”

    …sad thing us, you could probably get Democrat chicks to VOTE to repeal it is it was a Black gay trans Muslim telling them to, the whole “Trans” thing shows pretty well that Democrat chicks WILL vote against their OWN interests for PC…theirs…AND their daughter’s…

  6. Her demeanor was totally shaken by a Mexican reporter hammering her about not knowing who the president of Mexico was last debate.

    What she should have said was, ” It does not matter because we all know the narcos are in charge.”

  7. I’m interpreting Klobuchar’s remark about sexism and nominating a woman, as the same kind of throw down made by oblowme about being black. It’s a twist on the old set-up, “Have you quit beating your wife?” IOW, she made a ham-fisted stab at shaming the Marxist identity politics of the Democrat party and Democrats into proving they aren’t sexist by nominating a woman.

    In the White, Straight, Male Oppression Olympics, she’s victim card poor. Buttigieg is in the same unfortunate position (all he has is being a homosexual). Harris was in a better position by being both black (but not truly) and a woman, but no one liked her. I’m stumped on Warren’s appeal to anyone, as well as Bloomberg, Sanders and the rest of them.

    God is great!

  8. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I would never want a woman president. In order to have enough testosterone to do the job effecgtively, she’d have to be on gender-transitioning hormones and wouldn’t that be a disaster!?

    That’s why Sanders should never be president — being a Communist, notwithstanding — because Sanders is so low-T, he’s almost a woman.

  9. Anonymous
    FEBRUARY 20, 2020 AT 10:44 AM

    “…are emotional, irrational, hysterical creatures. Not to mention vindictive, scheming , lying ,backstabing , untrustwothy , and disloyal. They have no business voting let alone holding the power of the highest office in the world.”

    …this describes EVERY Democrat, not JUST women, just sayin’…


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