An Accurate Representation of the Nation – IOTW Report

An Accurate Representation of the Nation

trumps-americat262The New York Times may have unintentionally provided the best representation of the effect progressive politics has had on the country.  By leaving out the rough 20 percent of the counties Hillary won, the nation looks all moth eaten in the missing areas.


19 Comments on An Accurate Representation of the Nation

  1. Those are the same areas that will
    be gone in 10 years; once the Iranians launch the nukes and ICBM’s
    that Obama let them build.
    (After giving them $1.5 BILLION
    to help them along more quickly)

  2. When I first saw this map a few days ago, I thought it was going to be a story about what the US would look like when global warming melts the arctic ice cap. No wonder the left is having such a fit about it. They’ll all drown.

  3. Did they take voter fraud into account with their “Popular Vote” stats?
    Or the illegal alien invading rat-people in their “Population” stat?

    Knowing the NYT’s propensity for dissimulation and outright lying, I’d guess not.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Two things to remember:
    1. Tip of the iceberg shows 3 million illegals voted and every county in NC found questionable/fraudulent votes (all dem). NC is uncovering the fraud only because of the close vote for governor. Remember, this was the state which a court this summer ruled was racist for requiring voter ID.

    2. This election was fought and won on electoral votes in the battleground states. Trump won virtually every one of those states where he campaigned (I think NH was the exception). Had NY or CA been a determinant, he would have campaigned there and won more popular votes.

    I suspect Trump won the popular vote in a landslide. Maybe with Sessions as AG we’ll see how many of those “reliable” 61 million democrat votes are frauds. It’s the fraud vote that made Hillary and the media so confident. The problem was real voters didn’t turn out for her.

  5. This map of Hillary’s America, composed of all the run down, burned out, poverty-stricken, stinking, rat-infested ghettos also graphically demostrates where a lot of our tax money, earned by the hard-working over taxed-payer, gets wasted to support world’s largest collection of worthless, uninformed, unemployed, barely aware, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, dope-smoking, free-stuff-grabbing, no morals, media-influenced, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, government-dependent, Kool-Aid drinking, entitlement rich, busted-ass, short attention span, Obamaphone-carrying parasites, who won’t buy a belt and can’t process a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that doesn’t rhyme!

  6. I don’t want anything to do with Clinton’s America. I already avoid those places like the plague. Unfortunately I’m currently on the wrong side of the border by a couple miles.

  7. Don’t be too concerned with the large swaths of land in New Mexico and Arizona, Those are Reservations,
    lots of land but little population. Native Americans on reservations are an absolute success story in the creation of reliable Democrat voters that are totally government dependent.

  8. What is telling to me is “Trump’s America” is where the food comes from and also where you find the coal, oil, natural gas and wild game, oh and the fresh water as well as where most manufacturing/factories for durable goods are located. In other words, where the things humans need to survive and most of the things we need to be a modern society natural occur in or are grown/manufactured in Trump-land.

    Without all of us deplorables living in Trump-land, the oh so smart and elitist would starve, dehydrate and run out of energy in less than a few months. I find their appreciation lacking.

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