An Anatomy of the Left’s Lying and Their Minions That Repeat the Lies – IOTW Report

An Anatomy of the Left’s Lying and Their Minions That Repeat the Lies

Trump is a golf cheat, dontcha know. Fiction writer, Rick Reilly says so, and the moron minions repeat the lie.

Here’s the easily debunked claim.


It goes like this, while the President was meeting with Kim Jong Un in an effort to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula, Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach was having its annual club championship. It was won by a man named Ted Virtue. Well not long after, Trump saw Ted at the club and told him, “Congrats on winning the club championship, but you didn’t really win it because I was out of town.” Long story short, Trump challenges him to a match for the title of club champion. Trump beats Virtue (there’s a headline) but is gracious enough to offer Ted the title of Co-Club Champion. These facts are not in doubt.

So what are the made-up details?

This is Reilly’s re-telling of the story in an interview with Vox:

Virtue — who wouldn’t speak to me directly, but the story was reported by and I confirmed it through two other members of the club — was playing with his kid, who I think is 10 or 11 years old. He [Trump] sees Ted on the 9th hole and decides to drive his cart over there. He tells Ted: Congrats on winning the club championship, but you didn’t really win it because I was out of town.

Ted tries to laugh it off, but Trump is dead serious. Trump says, ‘We’re going to play these last six holes for the championship.’ And Ted’s like, ‘I’m playing with my son, but thanks anyway.’ But Trump says, ‘No, your son can play too.’ So they end up playing.

They get to a hole with a big pond on it. Both Ted and his son hit the ball on the green, and Trump hits his in the water. By the time they get to the hole, Trump is lining up the kid’s ball. Only now it’s his ball and the caddie has switched it. The kid’s like, ‘Daddy, that’s my ball.’

But Trump’s caddie goes, ‘No, this is the president’s ball; your ball went in the water.’ Ted and his son look at each other confused, not sure if this is really happening. And Trump’s caddie says, ‘This is the president’s ball. I don’t know what to tell you.’

Trump makes that putt, wins one up, and declares himself the club champion.’

Ted Virtue’s youngest son is 25 years old.

The headline-grabbing quote in Reilly’s piece is when Virtue’s man-child turns to him (presumable with tear-filled eyes) and says, “Daddy, that’s my ball.”

That’s a great quote. Yet, that quote doesn’t really work if Virtue’s son has a neck beard and a 401(k).

So, does Reilly mean for us to believe a 25-year-old man actually uttered those words? Or, perhaps sensing he needed this story to be far more juicy in order to really sell those books, did Reilly knowingly lie about the age of Virtue’s son so he could make his “money quote” work?

So, Trump saw Virtue on the 9th hole and then said, “we are playing the last six holes for the championship.”  What last six holes? You’re on the 9th hole – you have 10 more holes to play to complete the round.  Why would Trump want to end a match on the 14th hole? That makes no sense. It’s almost as if the story is completely made up. But for the sake of argument, let’s go with it.

The match ended on a hole “with a big pond.” The 14th hole does not have any water at Trump International. It’s as dry as the Sahara. If they started on 9 and played six holes then that is where the competition would end. So where is the big pond, Rick? Was it climate change? Did that “big pond” dry up in the last few months due to global warming?




11 Comments on An Anatomy of the Left’s Lying and Their Minions That Repeat the Lies

  1. They cannot get over the fact that THEIR guy SUCKED at golf. Just another example of Hussein doing something he had NO idea about or playing with, like our country.

    The Duffer in Honolulu and the media LAPPING it up.

    This is one where you MUST read the comments…

    I remembering reading a story or two of him being the Mr. Mulligan In Chief.

    @ BFH – @3:28 put MAGA on his hat and put it out there!


  2. They’d like to make Trump sound petty and arrogant but anyone that can see through the fog of their hatred will witness a man that’s far above such behavior.
    Keep trying fucktards!

  3. Club Championships are usually 36 holes. I’m sure President Trump was just joking with Mr. Virtue. An interview with Ted Virtue could clear this up in a minute. Too much fog in the story. Reilly comes across like a wise-ass conman.

  4. Sounds like the Ford testimony. Who cares about corroboration or if the details make sense or if ‘facts’ are complete falsehoods. Trump is a reprobate so it happened.

  5. And Obama said to his caddy in Scotland: “What do you call a Mulligan in Scotland”?
    “Hitting three,” replied the caddy.
    (Cannot verify this. It could be fake news.) But who cares?

  6. The useful idiots of the left are corrupted, and horribly insecure. So they repeat their morning email messages from their malignant political handlers to feel intelligent.

    They need another message, from us: people who will try to destroy our way of life will meet resistance. Be warned.

  7. And Obama said to his caddy in Scotland: “What do you call a Mulligan in Scotland”?

    Obama said, “I don’t know. What do you call it?”

    Caddie: “A Mulligan.”

    Obama: “Oh. Interesting.”

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