An Auspicious Beginning – IOTW Report

An Auspicious Beginning

Nothing like coming out strong to get the Republican Convention in Cleveland off on the right foot. The major theme for the first day will be “Make American Safe Again” with a particularly heavy emphasis on national security and the rule of law.


I said it months ago, the candidate that makes the case for protecting citizens will win the election.

18 Comments on An Auspicious Beginning

  1. Why does no one follow the money? How did this Cosmo cretin afford to travel around effortlessly and equip himself and broadcast his bullshit in what looks like very nice accommodations? Is it because the path will always lead back to a Soros funded entity?


    Good film

    William Russell (Fonda) and Joe Cantwell (Robertson) are the two leading candidates for the presidential nomination of an unspecified political party. Both have potentially fatal vulnerabilities. Russell is a principled intellectual (said by Vidal to be based on Adlai Stevenson). A sexual indiscretion has alienated his wife Alice (Margaret Leighton). In addition, he has a past nervous breakdown to live down. Cantwell (whom Vidal wrote was based on Richard Nixon)[1] portrays himself as a populist “man of the people,” and patriotic anti-communist campaigning to end “the missile gap” (a Kennedy campaign catch-phrase). Cantwell is a ruthless opportunist, willing to go to any lengths to get the nomination

  3. Dr. Tar:

    I said it months ago, the candidate that makes the case for protecting citizens will win the election.

    True, even though some of us don’t want to be protected, we want to be left the fuck alone.

    Govt “protection” is largely how we got to this sorry state of affairs in the first place. They do a piss poor job of protecting us, and their efforts come at a cost we cannot afford, both in money and in loss of liberty.

  4. @Bill
    When is the last time the federal government prevented an outbreak of food poisoning or water borne illness? You can’t name a single one. You should try Chipotle.

  5. Just imagine if there were no food safety testing. None.
    By the way my dad was a government health inspector (local) mostly dealing in
    restaurant food safety. Don’t ever eat at a restaurant it’s not worth the risk.
    Some government is good, but we have too much.
    Like the EPA.
    And by the way you can’t prove the government didn’t stop food poisoning or water borne illness before it happened, can you?

  6. Uncle Al gets it.

    Some of us want to be left the fuck alone and don’t want the government to protect us. We can do that on our own. It’s only job is protecting our perimeter; the borders. Beware of a government that manufacturers a crisis and then offers the solution to the very problem it creates.

    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” -Benjamin Franklin

  7. Sorry Charlie Walksonwater…fat fingers and I accidentally clicked the down vote.

    NeverTrumpers are essentially voting for the Hildabeast and if she gets elected the NeverTrumpers will share the same fate as the Progressives and Democrats during the Second American Civil War, namely execution as traitors.

    Trump may have warts, but he is so much better than that nasty Hillary that I am dumbfounded the NeverTrumpers even exist. There is no comparison between the candidates. None.

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