An FBI Special Agent took bribes, lied to investigators, but they declined to prosecute him – IOTW Report

An FBI Special Agent took bribes, lied to investigators, but they declined to prosecute him

CTH: From the Boston Marathon bombing investigation through the San Bernardino terrorist attack; passing the Garland, Texas cartoon terror shooting; and continuing through Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub; and then through the Parkland shooting and into Las Vegas -via the Mandalay Bay- we always knew something was wrong with the apparatus, the institutional apparatus, of the FBI… but it wasn’t until 2017 with James Comey, Andrew McCabe and the transparently corrupt Clinton exoneration and candidate Trump set-up scheme that we fully grasped the scale and scope of the corruption.

It is disconcerting to accept that the institution of the FBI is corrupt, soup-to-nuts, including every aforementioned field office and participant therein. But reality doesn’t care about feelings; it just keeps staring us in the face until we accept it:

So the FBI agent took bribes from a source; protected the “illegal business” of the source; withheld information from state law enforcement; lied to the local police department; then lied (“lacked candor”) to the FBI Inspection Division, and lied to the OIG….. and then we get the taxpayer kicker: “criminal prosecution of the Special Agent was declined.”  MORE


8 Comments on An FBI Special Agent took bribes, lied to investigators, but they declined to prosecute him

  1. Its past time for Trump to take the gloves off and actually start dozing the swamp, from the top down. If Trump is worried about his second 4 years, he should be. If Session’s has been hobbled, say goodbye and don’t look back. The perpetual spin loop of noting being accomplished is getting old. I for one am tired of waiting for the sucking sound of the swamp going down and out the drain hole, so new construction can begin.


    “Horowitz made this public for a reason. People are misreading the letter. *The FBI* declined to prosecute this SA even after he was caught doing all this. Horowitz will make a referral *directly to Sessions* for prosecution. He put this in here to call out the FBI.

    Somebody *within the FBI* blew the whistle here. Somebody exposed this, likely stuff that was done under Comey/McCabe’s watch & those two swept it under the rug and did nothing. Under the new management, I’ll bet there is a LOT of stuff like this that now has to be aired out.”

  3. All of this focus on a couple of FBI missteps is alllowing ICE to exterminate thousands of lost brown children every week. Time for another Chris Wray pep talk to let people know how nice the FBI really is.

  4. well … if you go after him you’d have to go after the rest of the corrupt FBI
    our government is just as corrupt as Russia … no wonder they feel so threatened by Putin

    get rid of these shitweasels …. DRAIN THE SWAMP!

  5. don’t forget this is the same agency that strzok suggested accepted extra marital relationships among its married employees. Nothing wrong there. Not even potential for blackmail.
    They don’t have a lot of scruples. Not even a smidgen.

  6. So what am I to think if they come after me, if I’m convinced of my innocence? What would do if any other lawless organization did? Hope that in the end I’d be vindicated? Yeah, right.


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