An Honest Article About Illegal Immigration By a Lefty?? Are Pigs Flying? – IOTW Report

An Honest Article About Illegal Immigration By a Lefty?? Are Pigs Flying?

This article published in The Atlantic by a self-described liberal is the kind of thing that will get a guy’s house attacked by moronic zombie leftists.

The opening is an admission that the right hasn’t changed their position, but the left has moved so far left that a liberal from a decade ago sounds a lot like Trump.

In 2005, a left-leaning blogger wrote, “Illegal immigration wreaks havoc economically, socially, and culturally; makes a mockery of the rule of law; and is disgraceful just on basic fairness grounds alone.” In 2006, a liberal columnist wrote that “immigration reduces the wages of domestic workers who compete with immigrants” and that “the fiscal burden of low-wage immigrants is also pretty clear.” His conclusion: “We’ll need to reduce the inflow of low-skill immigrants.” That same year, a Democratic senator wrote, “When I see Mexican flags waved at proimmigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment. When I’m forced to use a translator to communicate with the guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustration.”

The blogger was Glenn Greenwald. The columnist was Paul Krugman. The senator was Barack Obama.

In the meat of the article the writer acknowledges that the left has sold America out on immigration to bolster their voter base.

Between 2008 and 2016, Democrats became more and more confident that the country’s growing Latino population gave the party an electoral edge. To win the presidency, Democrats convinced themselves, they didn’t need to reassure white people skeptical of immigration so long as they turned out their Latino base. “The fastest-growing sector of the American electorate stampeded toward the Democrats this November,” Salon declared after Obama’s 2008 win. “If that pattern continues, the GOP is doomed to 40 years of wandering in a desert.”

He also says that diversity can be destructive to an economic system and the left must start celebrating and pushing for unity.

What’s more, studies by the Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam and others suggest that greater diversity makes Americans less charitable and less willing to redistribute wealth. People tend to be less generous when large segments of society don’t look or talk like them. Surprisingly, Putnam’s research suggests that greater diversity doesn’t reduce trust and cooperation just among people of different races or ethnicities—it also reduces trust and cooperation among people of the same race and ethnicity.

Liberals must take seriously Americans’ yearning for social cohesion. To promote both mass immigration and greater economic redistribution, they must convince more native-born white Americans that immigrants will not weaken the bonds of national identity. This means dusting off a concept many on the left currently hate: assimilation.

Promoting assimilation neednot mean expecting immigrants to abandon their culture. But it does mean breaking down the barriers that segregate them from the native-born. And it means celebrating America’s diversity less, and its unity more.

In 2014, the University of California listed melting pot as a term it considered a “microaggression.” What if Hillary Clinton had traveled to one of its campuses and called that absurd? What if she had challenged elite universities to celebrate not merely multiculturalism and globalization but Americanness? What if she had said more boldly that the slowing rate of English-language acquisition was a problem she was determined to solve? What if she had acknowledged the challenges that mass immigration brings, and then insisted that Americans could overcome those challenges by focusing not on what makes them different but on what makes them the same?

Some on the left would have howled. But I suspect that Clinton would be president today.

The writer acknowledges the allure of Trump and his says his message of pushing for an America first, nationalist cohesion is far better than the left’s anti-nationalism, anti-assimilation platform.

Essay HERE

8 Comments on An Honest Article About Illegal Immigration By a Lefty?? Are Pigs Flying?

  1. Borders, Language, Culture– Michael Savage

    Pretty straight forward unless your agenda is to change America into something it wasn’t intended to be.


    They do NOT come here to enhance and contribute to our society. WE KNOW THIS because it is a statement of FACT that they didn’t stay behind in their own country to enhance and contribute to it. So why the fuck would we want cowardly losers here when we already got plenty?

  3. Unfortunately the article is only honest superficially, though. It weaves in a lot of propaganda and false “facts” that, in my mind, make it dangerous. The best cons are convincing because they mix truth with lies.

  4. We hear so much on all issues from the left, and it appears that there is no reduction. The truth is that the airwaves and the interwebs will continue to be filled with lefty commentary, simply because the space will always be filled. But that doesn’t mean that the numbers aren’t changing, and in fact they are improving in every way. It’s always encouraging to hear from those who have changed their views though.

  5. Lazlo has changed.
    The treatment of Sara Sanders and DHS Secretary Nielson has moved my marker.
    It could be that I am reading a lot of Louis L’Amour and am currently in the mindset that a Woman should not be molested. That means disturbed.
    I realize that we are (like Merle said) rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell.
    Like it or not we are heading for a wild west scenario.
    Now it is piercing the membrane of civil society with chants and screaming and driving folks from public space.
    Soon it will be bottles and stones, and shootings.
    The mobs will lurk, and pounce, and riots will be common.
    That’s all too dark for a Sunday, so Lazlo has provided a solution:
    When the rioting begins deploy the Presidential Water Cannons.
    Each water cannon is equipped with a web cam with live satellite feed and is in direct communication with the President.
    The President goes on Web cast and Television and shows the live feed to America.
    The President can control the camera and the water cannon nozzle from a joy stick at his desk.
    He asks America in real time which Fascist need a bath, and America decides!
    There you have it. Democracy in Action


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