An immunologist gave advice to tourists on how to protect themselves from dengue fever raging in Asia – IOTW Report

An immunologist gave advice to tourists on how to protect themselves from dengue fever raging in Asia

IZ: Immunologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladislav Zhemchugov told how tourists can protect themselves from Dengue fever when traveling to tropical countries.

In a conversation with the Zvezda TV channel on Wednesday, October 11, the specialist explained that Dengue fever is a severe viral disease that has been raging in the equatorial zone for several years. The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes. The disease manifests itself like many viral diseases; it is characterized by headache and fever.

Zhemchugov noted that the risk of infection can be minimized if precautions are taken when visiting tropical countries. First of all, you should be wary of mosquitoes; when walking in the evening, dress so that there are as few exposed parts of your body as possible. Clothes with a collar, cuffs, and trousers are suitable. It is also worth using ointments, creams, and anti-mosquito liquid.

The specialist urged that if you have severe symptoms after returning from Asian countries, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Zhemchugov noted that 15 thousand people fell ill with fever in Taiwan, and this is “a sufficient number to worry about. In conclusion, Zhemchugov added that dengue fever “is a colossal global problem,” worse than only malaria.

On October 7, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the risk of rapid spread of dengue fever in the United States , Europe and Africa over the next decade. The reason for the spread of the fever was said to be an increase in temperature levels, which creates favorable conditions for the breeding of mosquitoes that carry the disease, writes the website more here

10 Comments on An immunologist gave advice to tourists on how to protect themselves from dengue fever raging in Asia

  1. Dengue hit Ecuador about 30 years ago, likely in bilge water. They called it “the kick of the mule”. Fluids (often, intravenous) would get you through it, the first time. Severity worsens with each exposure. Now, it’s just one of many tropical diseases to worry about, along with malaria and yellow fever.

    Nice to know things are so hard in Russia that they’re vacationing in the tropics.

  2. “The reason for the spread of the fever was said to be an increase in temperature levels, which creates favorable conditions for the breeding of mosquitoes that carry the disease,” As usual they bring n the global warming bullshit as the cause of Dengue Fever uptick. Never mind the fact that this fever ravaged US Troops based in the South Pacific during World War 2 and ignore the fact the maybe the fact that there are many more people on the planet now and travel freely all over the globe carrying the virus. A thought just struck me, are the communist death democrats really humanoid forms of Mosquitos spreading their deadly communist, evil virus over the world? Is there a cure for this particular totalitarian virus?

  3. Wild Bill and geoff,
    Just ask Rachael Carson (“Silent Spring”)
    (may she burn in hell for eternity)


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