An iOTWreport First – IOTW Report

An iOTWreport First

Eugenia has a new brood of cats that are in need of names. As she put it –

“After having many cats over 50+ years I am out of names.”

So she has opened it up to suggestions from the community!


113 Comments on An iOTWreport First

  1. Purry Mason
    Napoleon – because he pulls his bone apart (more a dog name – unless the cat chews on bones)
    Jenny Fur

    OR just name them:


  2. #2 Sam

    Looks just like a female cat I had growing up that we called Sam. Not short for Samantha, just Sam. She had a male kitten that looked just like her. We kept him and called him either Samson or Junior (depending on the family member).

    She lived 15 years and was a sweetheart!

  3. With male/female names most outgoing: Jimbo (Rockford, Jim)/ Ginny (short for Virgina Mayo, actress), Kitty #2 Boots/ Bootsie (obviously) Most Vocal of the littler : Dino (As in Dean Martin)/ Della (Reese, aka Tess on Touched by an Angel) Most shy: Raj (regal) / Dutchess (same reason)

  4. Eugenia, I am familiar with this dilemma.
    I still haven’t named my newest cat, and he is over 5 years old.
    A rescue kitten, he was not expected to survive, so I was wary of becoming too attached. Well, that didn’t work…
    I call him “#2.”

    I believe it is important to bestow a name that fits the critter. After a while the name may accidentally appear.
    For instance, my previous cat was very quiet. I considered naming her Silent Bob, but that just didn’t seem quite right.
    One day she actually meowed- first time ever. As she was a little over a year old, I was surprised to hear that first vocalization- a tiny, tentative, little squeak.
    I said, “You call that a meow? That’s the flimsiest meow I ever heard!”
    The name “Flimsy” stuck.

    So don’t be in too big a hurry. Let the name fit the cat.
    Sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance.

    Good luck with that litter, and love ’em while you’ve got ’em

  5. The thing with naming animals is that you really can’t predetermine a name. Once you get to know your animal friend, the name will come to you. Heck, my folks called me Tooter for the first two weeks until they finally figured out a real name.

    Hi. How ya doing. Name is Tooter.

  6. @Jethro

    “#2 – whatthehell?
    How did that one end up so different from the other three?”

    Dude, I got three here with me now from the same litter. Mom was a small Tuxedo short hair.

    Boo Baby, a Calico female (redundant, no male calico’s), Popeye, a short haired clone of his mom, the dancer and gymnast of the bunch.
    Attila, the 22 pound Chinese Snow Bear ( looks exactly like ‘Space Ghost’ from the cartoon) if you ask him as he denies he’s a cat. He ain’t fat at all, he’s just big.

    My babies.

    I have dogs too. Bleu the jock hound, and Charlotte the eldest of all the fur babies. Losing her hair and teeth mostly gone. But she knows how to hug your neck and give you a squeeze.

    All my animals are a legacy I have from my deceased wife. They were her fur babies.

    I love them all dearly.

  7. Hee! Be careful what you wish for. These guys need homes. They were dumped here last week and we already have a herd. The shelter where I volunteer is full. Here they stay until we find places.
    I am certain it was someone within walking distance who dumped them. Didn’t hear a vehicle crunching the drive way gravel. A few of the neighbors are Obozo supporting irresponsible libtards.

  8. That was a big help. We’ve had dignified names like Siegfried and goofy names like Goober. I need to spend more time just sitting with them.
    There are some names I’ve seen here that I really like.

  9. 1,2,4 are males. 3 is female. There is a number 5 female who looks just like 1. Didn’t get her in the pictures though.
    No gender neutral in this house although there is gender neuter.

    names I like so far
    Tikka, Koshka, Endora, Sam, Harlequin, Elvis, Raj, Tess, Maddy, Fred or Freddie, Lucy, Ripley, Lily Isabelle
    Fido or Fideaux and add a Spike and a Fizzbin
    Maybe a Rupert

    Years ago we had a dumped litter and those cats were George, Laura, Condi, Colin. The people who adopted Colin (black cat) renamed him Clinton because they claimed he was a ladies man always flirting with their other cats.

    Seriously, someone wants a kitten we may deliver personally.

  10. Don’t get me wrong, I do like cats, but why bother thinking up clever names for an animal that refuses to acknowledge that you have spoken their name? Just sayin’….

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