An Offer of $5,000 for One of Hillary’s Hair Costs Shkreli His Freedom – IOTW Report

An Offer of $5,000 for One of Hillary’s Hair Costs Shkreli His Freedom


Martin Shkreli has been out on bail, awaiting his sentencingĀ in January for securities fraud. That was until a judge ruled yesterday that he violated the conditions of his release by tweeting an offer of $5,000 to anyone who could obtain one of Hillary Clinton’s hairs while she’s on her book tour.


The infamous “phrama bro” faces upwards of 20 years in jail when he is finally sentenced.

17 Comments on An Offer of $5,000 for One of Hillary’s Hair Costs Shkreli His Freedom

  1. If his statement was serious, I’m thinking that maybe he is also trying to get a hair sample from Bill Clinton and from Chelsea Clinton so he can at last prove that Chelsea was fathered by Vince Foster or Webb Hubbell.

    Shkreli is pretty much an asshole, especially for jacking up the price of the EpiPen. But when you’re as successful as he is, it can go to your head and you have fun trolling your critics.

    (and Never Trumpers chime in 4…3…2…1….)

  2. He should have offered $5k for her dick. He could then at least claim he was joking.

    Until Bill showed up in his door with some flowers asking where he wants him to put this thing.

    Quite a dipshit. Way to signal to any Hillary backers to contaminate your jury.

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