ANALYSIS: Is Putin’s End Game To Make Biden Look Stupid? – IOTW Report

ANALYSIS: Is Putin’s End Game To Make Biden Look Stupid?

Daily Caller:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has played a months-long game of cat-and-mouse with President Joe Biden, and so far, Putin appears to be coming out on top.

Biden’s strategy to halt Putin’s military buildup around Ukraine and a potential invasion has been to publicize a high amount of U.S. intelligence, going so far as to detail how Russia might move forward with an invasion and even provide a date for such an invasion. The date the Biden administration offered — Feb. 16 — was ultimately incorrect.

When pressed on why the date came and went without an invasion, U.S. officials said we remain “in the window” of a potential invasion, arguably leaving Putin in the driver’s seat. Some of Biden’s critics contend that his strategy ignores Putin’s own agency and knowledge that Russian military communications are far from secure.

“Too much is made of [the question] will Putin go or not,” a NATO official in Brussels, who had been briefed by the U.S., told Vice. “Everyone could see he was willing and ready to go and the Russian army doesn’t have particularly secure comms, so people were listening.” read more

36 Comments on ANALYSIS: Is Putin’s End Game To Make Biden Look Stupid?

  1. More like expose the depth stupid fucker’s stupidity on the world stage. If that is now what has been going on for four decades already.

    ‘Tis better to keep quiet and be thot a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. … Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. — ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

  2. Joe Biden is his own worst enemy. Without challenge, Joe is the dumbest human to ever take part in our political theater. That in itself is quite an accomplishment considering the likes of Cumalla Hairjizz, Maxipad Waters, Miss Occasional Cortex and Dry Hump Swallowell, just to name a few.

  3. Different Tim FEBRUARY 23, 2022 AT 8:50 AM
    “If he is it’s the easiest job in the world. Joe’s already done the work.”

    …and it’s the -ONLY- actual “work” Pedo ever did in his life, but I suspect that HE didn’t have to work too hard at it either, some are just naturally born to it…

  4. Could be. But Putin will take the Ukraine & appoint Donny the forever President/Dictator of the Ukraine. So the 2 commie dictators can ride off in the sunset forever. Putin, I love you Donny. Donny & I love you too, daddy Putin.

  5. ..Douglas Adams died in 2001, and yet he somehow managed to describe the function of the office of the pedo in fraudulent chief perfectly nonetheless…

    “The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.”
    -Douglas Adams, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide To the Galaxy”

    …he is fully as bad as he appears to be, but it’s quite intentional…while you’re watching the antics of Pedo, the people in charge just keep on expanding the slavery unhindered and even unnoticed as we meme away on a target that was put there for that very purpose…

  6. I’d venture to say that the only people more ignorant than the dumb SOB Biden is the 81 million dumb SOB’S that voted for him. But this isn’t true because they don’t exist.

  7. “…the Russian army doesn’t have particularly secure comms, so people were listening.”

    …and were the listeners also considering that (1) the Russian army knows its comms are not secure, (2) the Russian army does not care who hears, and (3) that they are using their insecure comms to head-fake our IC dolts?

    I just have to shake my head at the arrogance and ineptitude of the Credentialed Class who are screwing up everything they touch, lying their asses off about it and still doggedly blaming Trump for their shambolic misadventures. Biden is just the visibly damaged tip of the iceberg of fail.

  8. At this stage in Biden’s attempt to destroy the fabric of the United States, Putin, Xi and the UN, it is difficult to choose the lesser of the four evils.

    None have the interests of the US or citizens in mind.
    All four are evil.

    Mao, Marx, Lenin and the democrat socialists calling the shots behind Biden are are euphoric.

  9. Putin’s end game is to halt idiot Europeans from bordering Russia with NATO weapons, a very reasonable and understandable goal for Russia.

    Toward this end, Biden is irrelevant.

  10. Marco
    Your post reminds me of the couple celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in the same room of the little fleabag coastal motel they stayed in on their honeymoon.
    The guy’s laying on the bed flinking thru the channels when his betrothed comes out of the bathroom looking pretty dang good for 58.
    She sidles up to him and says, “Honey, what were you thinking on this night forty years ago?”
    He thought for a few seconds and said, “I was thinking I’d like to screw your brains out!”
    Ooooooh….she squealed, ” Just what are you thinking right now?”
    He scowled, lost in thought for almost a minute before finally saying “Mission accomplished!!!”

  11. @SNS February 23, 2022 at 9:24 am

    > the people in charge just keep on expanding the slavery unhindered and even unnoticed as we meme away on a target that was put there for that very purpose

    And the alternative… is?

    The super majority (of the super minority that can be) dragged to look reality in the face, respond “But I like that.” When asked to think “But what about your children?”, they respond “But it’s good for me.”

    Let “us” change all their world… not just how… but why?

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