Analysis: Kamala Harris Will Be Dem Nominee in 2020 – IOTW Report

Analysis: Kamala Harris Will Be Dem Nominee in 2020


the person most likely to be the Democratic nominee in 2020 is Kamala Harris, a senator from California.  She is a progressive woman “of color” and is therefore perfect to represent the new generation of Democrats.  In contrast to Biden, Sanders, and Warren, all of whom will be in their 70s on November 3, 2020, Harris is young.  Her father is an immigrant from Jamaica, and her mother is an immigrant from India, so the media could portray her as the female Obama.  In fact, there are many similarities between Harris and Obama.  Both are half-black, both spent much of their childhood outside the country (Obama in Indonesia and Harris in Canada), and both are senators from heavily blue states.  Should Harris run, she, like Obama, will face challenges from white establishment Democrats.

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HT/ Really Enraged

24 Comments on Analysis: Kamala Harris Will Be Dem Nominee in 2020

  1. When she got elected senator, despite saying some of the most ignorant things, you knew it. In the shadow of obamination: 2013, “You have to be careful to, first of all, say she is brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough, and she is exactly what you’d want in anybody who is administering the law, and making sure that everybody is getting a fair shake,” Obama said. “She also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general in the country.”

    “It’s true! C’mon,” he added, to laughter from the crowd.”

  2. Always thought of her thinking and presenting herself as the female Obama. Bring it on! The eight failed years of Barry and the hatred of Hillary with you as a payoff? Nah, 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

  3. I agree with the Author, the Democrats are quickly becoming the Non White Party, or as some would say the super Low IQ Party. Idiocy is the Democrats most desired Quality, they can feed them Stew every night and the Idiot’s don’t complain

  4. Whoever makes up our National final exam questions must really be keyed into our recent collective electoral idiocy. The questions sure do seem easier to answer with each election – assuming, of course, that any citizen really GAS about the USA.

  5. And if anyone asks any tough questions in debates you will be racist and misogynistic. Say anything about her past and the women will defend her with marches

    God help our country

  6. WE need to remember: THEY cannot vote away OUR RIGHTS.
    But WE must be willing to enforce OUR RIGHTS.

    Consequently, WE cannot vote away THEIR RIGHTS.

    OUR rights are limitless. The government’s are circumscribed.
    THEIR rights cannot encroach upon OUR rights.

    “Your rights only extend to the end of my nose.” is what the old saying used to be.

    She can be whatever she can lie her way into – or fornicate her way into.
    Since she cannot fornicate everyone (I think it physically impossible) she must fornicate everyone by proxy. The Media will perform this fornication most admirably – that is, of course, their forte.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Kamala Brillo –

    She stripped away
    Her rancid poncho
    An’ laid out naked by the door
    We did it till we were un-concho
    An’ it was useless any more

    She had a snake for a pet
    And an amulet
    And she was breeding a dwarf
    But she wasn’t done yet
    She had gray-green skin
    A doll with a pin
    I told her she was awright
    But I couldn’t come in

    Is that a Mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho?
    Hmmm . . . no foolin’ . . .

  8. I find myself thinking how strange it is that, all over the world, people invest in leaders who have never held a job, done a damn thing. They’ve never built anything, managed an organization, done anything….. ….but talk.

    However does their “talking” qualify them to perform the leadership skills needed to advance an entire nation? It doesn’t, but we get suckered over and over again.

    Trump is the first leader we’ve had in a long time who *really* knows how to run things. ….Lady in Red

  9. Because if Obama, a black, sexually ambiguous male could carry the commie banner in the white house for 2 terms, a loudmouth black commie congressbitch should be a no-brainer.
    Why not auntie Maxine?

  10. Harris can run if the Democrats choose to nominate a token, but the Democrats have now changed the rules. Unlike when Obama was the candidate, civility is now off the table. The race will now be no holds barred, calling a Republican “racist” for saying anything negative about a black person no longer has any power, and all of Harris’ foibles will be fair game.

    The leftists will scream and complain, but they are the ones who have established the new rules.

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