Andrea Mitchell can’t get Bernie Sanders to attack Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Andrea Mitchell can’t get Bernie Sanders to attack Hillary Clinton

bernie sanders


NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell tried and failed Monday to coax Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., into saying something disparaging about his 2016 Democratic presidential competitor, Hillary Clinton.

The moment occurred on MSNBC, just as recent polling data shows that Sanders is within striking distance of the former secretary of state. It’s a huge leap for Sanders, considering party insiders had long considered Clinton a shoo-in for the party’s nomination.


12 Comments on Andrea Mitchell can’t get Bernie Sanders to attack Hillary Clinton

  1. That set of photos above got me thinking…
    …the solution to

    Bernie goes in for gender re-assignment
    (geez…in MY day, they called it a SEX CHANGE OPERATION…now, you kids get off my lawn!)
    and, suddenly, they have…VOILA!
    a scandal-free female socialist for President!

  2. The top 1% is hoarding wealth, billionaires influence candidates and votes, Wall St. is connected, there is a fundamental problem with America, etc… He says plenty of disparaging things about her, just doesn’t accuse her of direct affiliation.

  3. Do you remember the early tv talk shows (Geraldo and Jerry Springer) that focused on scandal, controversy and the basest human psychology – mostly rage and despair?

    Andrea Mitchell, Megyan Kelly and many other so-called interviewers on news networks are just after the same thing – ratings and chair-throwing displays of dirty laundry.

    News has just become entertainment and party propaganda.

  4. come on andrea, bernie is anything but a serious candidate.
    hillary needed opposition for the primaries for the liv’s. thus he’s paid by the foundation, and the 6 billion that went missing from the state department.
    you can bet hillary knows where that money is, it’s location was in the e-mails she deleted.
    quit pretending otherwise.

  5. If the Dem’s pull off this next election then you can rest assured that this once great nation has gone the way of Rome. But yet again maybe a total collapse is necessary to start the rebuilding, hopefully rid of the two parties that we allowed to get us here.

  6. There’s an undercurrent to push it all in ” one direction”, without bipartisan politics. Problem is, that direction is not the conservative kind. So it’s either fight or tolerate what they want to dish out; false fairness and poverty.

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