And??? – IOTW Report


33 Comments on And???

  1. So…”illegal daddy” was a real “fighter”…and it was “wrong” (?) to check him out when he was arrested?!?

    Sounds like *real* American material right there… (/s)

    This propaganda piece was missing a sentence at the end:
    “This message brought to you by La Raza…err…we mean Los Unidos…err…we mean Los Zetas…ay yai yai noooo…we mean you friendly illegals who do whatever yob you need reel cheep!”

  2. His father was in jail for fighting with a neighbor? And that neighbor was Likely a taxpayer who’s seeing his property value plummet because the illegals are growing rows of corn in the front yard and have goats grazing around the neighborhood. Not to mention the 18 other people living in the house they claim are “cousins”.

  3. “Be together as a family”…IN MAY-HE-KO, dammit!!!

    AND: why would the son want to say “goodbye” to his dad instead of “adios”?! THAT’S RAAAAAACIIISSSSSSST!!!”

  4. First thought; That’s very unfortunate. Most children are upset at seeing a parent carted off thinking they won’t see mom or dad for a very long time. Most of them can’t apprehend long-term consequences and act impulsively on their emotions, which explains the push to give 16 year old ones voting rights. So close, buddy.

    Second; Counselors are now slapping PTSD on anyone who has had to deal with anything difficult. An idiot drama queen I know was diagnosed with it over an unwelcome houseguest. Not kidding.

    Third; How refreshing to see an interview having to do with the topic of immigration NOT needing a translator.


  5. Years ago there was a movie out titled “Eraserhead” I don’t remember anything about the plot, I just remember that freakish hair. This kid must have seen it to.

  6. This is nauseating. The media is trying to make the case that US immigration policy is the cause of the kid’s death. NO – the cause is some sort of deficient thinking on his part.

  7. You could have been a family in Mexico ya know. I can’t garner any sympathy for these illegals. Come here, start fights, kill people, and get your ass whooped. It pisses me off to walk into a store and see them buying crap with their EBT cards. It’s a slap in the face to Americans! Even Americans buying crap with our money – that’s a different subject.

  8. Czar of Defenestration August 28, 2018 at 9:07 am

    how do you say, “splat!” in illegal spanish?

    Getting a grease job on your car?

    P.S. There’s nothing wrong in being a racist. No one has given me a reason yet as to what’s wrong with it. You can’t possibly like everyone, especially if they’re here illegally.

  9. OMG, RosalindJ, I’m with you! I had a friend totally lose it because someone unfriended her on some social platform. She had to go on xanax to help her deal with that. I just couldn’t believe that. It blew me away, that someone could be that mentally delicate. Isn’t that weird?

    Anyway, I’m sorry she lost her son, but I got to think there were other issues in the house that could have tipped her off that her son was probably not mature enough to deal with bad news or disappointment. So why take him to a scary JAIL? That right there is pretty shocking stuff to mentally digest especially for a child. Part of the blame rests with her and her bad decisions. Heck, my mother wouldn’t allow me or my brother to visit my dying grandma in the hospital because she felt that would have been too traumatic for us kids. Smart mommy. ( and we were very close to grandma)

  10. I was pretty young when the state separated my father from the family (never mind the crime he committed).

    Back in the 70s very few people cared about kids with an incarcerated parent. There weren’t any of the organizations like today that help kids deal with the separation.

    And I turned out pretty good (at least the people in my head tell me I did).

  11. And we are supposed to just accept at face value the reason he jumped from a car and ran into traffic was because he was distressed over his father. No other possible reason a teenager does something stupid.

  12. I hope I never lose compassion for another’s pain and suffering. A parent should never have to bury their children but that is the way of the world. The terrible irony in the coverage of this story is that Every. Single. Day. an American is killed or maimed by illegals. So many innocent lives taken. And this mother doesn’ make that connection. The reporter on this story should be horsewhipped. If she is an American citizen, she’ll probably be getting outreach from the Angel Moms.


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