And here we thought the Biden Slogan was “America is Back”… – IOTW Report

And here we thought the Biden Slogan was “America is Back”…

… what he meant to say was he’s America’s Back

ht/ Irony Curtain

23 Comments on And here we thought the Biden Slogan was “America is Back”…

  1. Miserable. lying piece of shit doesn’t even have the balls to face the American people after what happened today until he was forced to do so. Craven coward has spent his entire adult life lying and cheating, and it’s time to either use the 25th amendment, or for his fellow cowards in CONgress to remove his ass

  2. “Shot America in the back” is more like it.

    Susan Rice runs our country, and she’s a total traitor. For enabling this betrayal of our country, Jill Biden is a piece of shit as Rice.

  3. Where do people like Biden come from?
    How does one become a lying, corrupt, inept, incompetent, plagiarizing degenerate, moral midget who refuses to take responsibility for his actions?

    Blessings to the Families of the young Marines, Soldiers, Airmen and Naval personnel who are put in harms way by an incompetent Commander in Chief, DOD and military Joint Chiefs.

    Special heartfelt Blessings to the families and friends of the Marines who were needlessly sacrificed today. May God comfort you and accept your sons as His Honor Guard. Semper Fi

  4. I’m not real smart so I have to ask; what advantage would it be to shitcan Biden?

    I have no doubt his replacement would be just as offensive, lying, cheating and ‘one world order’ enthusiast.

  5. You want to really get riled? Look at his Twitter acct at all the people telling him how great of a job he’s doing and it’s all Trumps fault. Made me ill.
    BTW he only has 45 people following him today out of 30million.

  6. Shitcanning Biden would show the world that the people who voted for him made a mistake, it puts a stain on the democrat party, it puts a strain on their ability to govern because of lack of confidence, it gives squish asshole republicans the balls to stand up to them, it puts them on defense, not offense, it chews up a lot of their time…
    there are many benefits..

  7. “Shitcanning Biden would show the world that the people who voted for him made a mistake”

    The carnage has just started. These Terrorists have enough American hostages to behead one a day on TV for several years to come. The longer we hold off on impeachment/prosecution the more assholes we will take down. I’m so fucking pissed, and I even saw it coming. As did most of us.


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