And I pay for this why? – IOTW Report

And I pay for this why?

19 Comments on And I pay for this why?

  1. I have a pal who likes this stuff.
    That and curries
    Now, I can tram with the hottest horseradish eaters and suffer no outflow problems.
    But peppers and the like are avoided like pernicious anemia.
    If I want those kind of endorphins, I will smack my face with a chunk of concrete

  2. My wife’s boss grows and makes sauce from Carolina Reapers.
    It’s hot, judicious use is advised.
    I love the flavour of Habaneros. Put one in most everything I stew, a slice across the bottom lets the juices exchange, keeps the anal damaging seeds contained.
    The pepper is sly, it’s heat keeps most animals from eating them, birds feel no pain from peppers.
    The flat construction of the seeds prevents them from being ground in a gizzard and they are spread far and wide.
    A nice fat jalapeno, sliced in half, the seeds scooped out, filled with cream cheese, topped with some bacon, yumm.

  3. Redheads have a gene mutation… MC1r group, that makes them much less susceptible to peppers. Sadly, this genetic mutation does not offer any benefit once ingested.

  4. Habeneros have better flavor than Ghost Peppers. I just bought a bottle of 100% Ghost Pepper sauce and it wasn’t as hot as I feared, and the flavor was not as good as Habenero. I use all those in small amounts, you will not get me in a pepper eating contest, but I do like the flavor.

  5. Never cared for spicy food.
    First encountered it in Texas. Declined. I remembered reading about food preparation in Medieval times, when seasoning wasn’t used to preserve or enhance meats, as much as disguise its condition. I kinda like being able to tell what it I’m putting in my body. Looked at the ingredients of chorizo at a HEB market once. Lymph glands, among other enchanting bits. No thanks.

  6. Never eat anything that requires the wearing of rubber gloves and a face mask filter during the preparation.

    Years ago while attending a company training class in the Netherlands several classmates went to an Indian restaurant where they were presented with a condiment caddy with 8 sauces. The server recommended sauces 1 ~ 4. Sauces 5 & 6 only if they are used to eating extremely hot sauces. And cautioned them that they should not try sauces 7 & 8, the white and yellow sauces. Of course they went straight for sauces 7 & 8. Becoming quite ill a few minutes later.

  7. After taking a friend to my favorite Thai restaurant many years ago, the next afternoon she called me to say, “This morning it felt like I had a bullet wound.”

    Good thing she was a friend. If that had been a date, it would have been a one-and-only!

    I do like hot and spicy food, but only on a “normal people” scale. I cannot, and don’t wish to, compete with chili heads! The flavor of the dish has to come first.

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